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    The 14 Stages Of Taking A BuzzFeed Quiz

    This quiz will change my life! Screw this quiz, it's all wrong.

    You're browsing Facebook, and see a friend posted their result of a BuzzFeed quiz.

    Suddenly, you're hit with an insane urgency to take that quiz. The BuzzFeed link button becomes a magnet to your fingertips.

    You see the category of the quiz, and immediately know which result you're going to get.

    You breeze through the first few questions.

    Then, you hit a weird question and immediately panic about how the answer might mess up your perfect result.

    You spend far too long contemplating your answer.

    After 2 1/2 minutes, you snap out of it, embarrassed by your own silliness.

    You thought the quiz would take two minutes...but it's just not ending.

    Finally, you answer the last question.

    And your result is.... the most oddball, obscure, opposite of what you were thinking.

    You immediately reject it.

    You think back to that one weird question, convinced that it screwed up your destiny.

    You decide you're never going to do one of these quizzes again.

    Until the next time you're browsing the internet...