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    13 Signs You're A Couponer

    Can I stack this BOGO with this Blinkie?

    1. This is what happens when you walk into a store without your coupons

    2. This is your reaction when your friend says you're taking too long at the checkout

    3. You know that this is what it feels like to get something for free

    4. When Extra Care Bucks season rolls around, you can barely contain yourself

    5. When you spot a sale item from across the store, everything else disappears

    6. You wish people would stop using the term "extreme couponing"

    7. This is how you felt when JCPenney stopped accepting coupons.

    8. And this is how you felt when they started accepting them again!

    9. On the rare occasions when you impulse-buy something, you're wracked with guilt

    10. When you open your pantry, this happens

    11. This is your reaction when people say coupons "aren't worth the trouble"

    12. You know it was "worth the trouble" when you experience the joy of getting $200 worth of groceries for $50.

    13. And you know that the best question in the world is "will you teach me how to coupon?"