15 Signs You Went To Middle School In The Middle 00's

    The years we all want to forget, but the MySpace photo albums won't let us.

    Middle School is the most awkward time of anyone's life and if they don't agree they're just lying to themselves. But middle school in the middle 00's wasn't just awkward, it was just plain weird.

    1. You not only rocked the middle part, but you wore so much product to give your hair the "naturally curly" look

    No matter how hard you tried if your hair wasn't naturally curly, it would never be curly.

    2. If you weren't wearing Hollister or Abercrombie you weren't "cool"

    Aeropostle was the thing in 2006, but once 2007 came around you wouldn't be caught dead wearing it.

    3. Braces with various colored bands

    While this is a general middle school phase, in the middle 00's the more colors you had on your braces the cooler you thought you look. Bad idea.

    4. Speaking of bands, do you remember Livestrong?

    LOL like you would.

    5. You hid your MySpace and Xanga from your parents because social media was still a "scary" thing at the time

    TBT MySpace Tom

    6. Soulja Boy brought the best jams to your middle school dances

    And you knew every move to that dance. No shame.

    7. Sperry's were the symbol of wealth

    And your mom didn't want to waste $60 on your "still growing" feet.

    8. The more polos you could wear at once, the better

    Double Polo life was the only life in 2008.

    9. Your first " big girl purse" was a Vera Bradley

    And you got a new pattern every season.

    10. Flared jeans were all the rage

    Skinny jeans were barely on the scene.

    11. If you had a cell phone it was a Motorola Razr

    iPhones didn't hit the scene until high school.

    12. iPod Nanos were the go-to music accessory

    Don't pretend you didn't attempt to get your music off of Limewire instead of paying the ridiculous price of 99 cents for a song on iTunes,

    13. If you wanted to take a picture you took it with an ACTUAL CAMERA


    14. Once the day was over you made sure you were in front of the TV to catch the latest Spongebob Squarepants and Hannah Montana


    15. But the best part of middle school was the introduction of Zac Efron


    *Shudders at all the memories*