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    45 Things Everyone From A Small Town Will Know To Be True

    You can take the girl out of the small town, but you can never take the small town out of the girl.

    We might have funny accents, but we can kick it like the rest of the city slickers. People still say that right?

    1. Miranda was right, everyone's famous in a small town.

    2. You know who's dating who, who's doing what and when all of this is going down.

    3. Basically news spreads like wild-fire.

    4. Facebook is the epicenter for all information past and present no matter where you are in relation to home.

    5. You know everyone in your graduating class because you've survived 13 years of school with all of them. Sometimes more.

    6. Most of your best friends you've known since you were in kindergarten, or pre-k, or basically birth.

    7. You try to introduce people and they're like "Oh we know each other, we we're Ms. Kay's pre-k class together." Really.

    8. Whenever someone new moves to town the first question is, "Why did you move here?"

    9. You get excited when someone knows where your town is.

    10. You can never have a bad day if you start it with a DQ chicken biscuit.

    11. It's a big deal when the Chick-fil-a is put in off the highway.

    12. But none of this happens until you're about to go to college. Great timing I know.

    13. This means you have to make your own fun.

    14. Going out always included going to "bigger cities" since your town had "nothing to offer"

    15. Even though it so does, you just didn't know where to look.

    16. Your first crush was most likely found on the playground or sitting next to you in Sunday School class.

    17. But actual dating was hard. There is only a handful to choose from that your best friends haven't dated or some that actually seem interesting to you.

    18. Everyone basically went to the Methodist or Baptist church. But you do have some Catholics in the mix.

    19. You grew up learning to drive on back roads or open green pastures. Less people, less likely to hit someone right?

    20. And don't even get me started on getting stuck behind a tractor when you're in a hurry.

    21. You couldn't go to Ingles or Wal-Mart without running into at least two people you know.

    22. Everyone starts a story, "This one time when . . ."

    23. You know people who took 30 mins to get to their high school.

    24. It takes you 30 minutes to get from one side of your county to another.

    25. And your view the entire drive is one farm after another.

    26. Your town has been considered the "insert farm animal here" capital of the world. And you believe it.

    27. The shortest street in your town is called Short Street and the one that runs through downtown is either Broad or Main. Original.

    28. Tradition is a big deal.

    29. High School Alma Mater pride is a thing.

    30. That being said, you despise your rival high school.

    31. Your school doesn't just have school spirit, your town does.

    32. No matter how bad the football team is, the stands will always be packed every Friday night.

    33. Anyone who's anyone will be there whether they like football or not. It's more a social scene.

    34. Waffle House is the staple late night hangout.

    35. High School graduation is a holiday. The entire town shuts down and packs into the football stadium to cheer on the grads.

    36. People can tell you're from a small town by your accent.

    27. Also by the fact that you're down to earth. Some can even say humble.

    38. You love visiting new places because you get to see how others live.

    39. Because it is so different from where you grew up.

    40. Yet, these bigger cities make you appreciate where you came from.

    41. You love to hate on your small town.

    42. People don't understand the lifestyle unless they've lived it with you.

    43. You can't wait to get out and when you do, you sometimes can't wait to get back.

    44. Visiting home is like a walk down memory lane.

    45. They say you can take the girl out of the small town, but you can never take the small town out of the girl. And they're right.