

My name is Sarra, I'm 21, I love music, and making people happy. If you don't know me, then you should take that chance too. People underestimate me alot, I like to prove them wrong. I'm an extremely laid back person, letting life fall ware ever its supposed too. I fight for what I love, and always try to keep it. Sometimes I give up, and let people walk out of my life for a reason, only because I know they have given up. I really like to make the best out of everything even if there is a feeling it is going to end in a bad way either good or bad we learn from it. I do have a dark side, only when I feel I have been screwed over and taken advantage of too many times, I show it, and can get impulsive, other wise, I'm good to everyone. I believe there is no such thing as a coincidence, things happen for a reason whether it be for good or bad, Life happens and we learn from it all. There are such things as second chances its a risk I'm always willing to take, to a point. Have any questions? Feel free to leave a message. ~Thats me~

Jul 2010
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