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    Stages Of Hating A Song So Much You Start Loving It

    "Seriously, how the hell am I bopping to Friday?!"

    A new, absolutely wretched song comes on the radio and your ears are bleeding.

    You've never heard of such horrible lyrics and the chorus could be used as POW torture.

    But for some fucking reason...EVERYONE is obsessed with it. Which can only mean, it's played on every possible radio station your car receives.

    You arrive at work to hash out once and for all how incredibly horrid that song is. But your coworkers too have failed you because they adore it.

    And by adore it I mean they are humming and dancing to it like there is a promotion on the line.

    Naturally, you take a personal day because staying might lead to you rage-quitting.

    But before you can change gears, it's on...again.

    Maybe you're missing something or maybe you didn't give it a proper try. In an attempt to be open-minded, you opt not to change the channel. You even start singing alo.....nope. Still fucking hate it.

    Narrowly avoiding a car accident and making it home, you call your best friend to vent. But it got her too..."Oh, I kinda like it." You immediately question your friendship and freak the fuck out on her.

    Faking another call coming in, you ditch that bitch. Sitting alone, in silence, you wonder if there's something wrong with you.

    Days later, you find yourself singing a song you can't quite name. You're humming it, your shaking your booty to it, it's a part of you. You piece together enough of the lyrics to Google and find...IT'S THAT FUCKING SONG!

    Then the overwhelming feeling of doom sets in. You LOVE the song.

    You can't wait to download it so you can play it on repeat as many times as you want. Even if your phone dies, you'll catch it on every radio station. Music has a whole new meaning to you now.

    You can't wait to be a part of society again and share in the joy that are these lyrics! But while you were taking your sweet time to warm up, everyone else has moved on.

    And once again, you feel completely and utterly alone.