Everyday Things That Seemed Inexpensive When I Was Younger, But Literally Could Cost An Arm And Leg

    If you have nice towels, I'm going to assume you're rolling in dough.

    1. Cheese

    Bag of cheese with caption, "actual bag of cheese I bought for $5 that will likely last me *maybe* four days"

    2. Glasses

    Velma wearing glasses.

    3. Doctor appointments

    Doctor holding up Homer Simpson's x-rays

    4. Shoes

    Marty McFly on a skateboard, showing off his Nikes

    5. Gas

    Gas prices reading $4.19. $4.34, and $4.99 a gallon

    6. Coats

    Lil Nikki in a blue puffer coat

    7. Towels (especially ~fancy~ ones)

    Woman smiling with a towel wrapped around her head.

    8. Italian food

    Two cartoon dogs sharing a plate of spaghetti

    9. Movie theater snacks

    A couple watching a movie with a soda and popcorn in hand.

    10. Face wash

    A man facing the mirror with a face wash peel on his face.

    11. Plants

    A man sitting upset beside many long and big plants

    12. Dirt to put said plants in

    A boy sitting in a hole in the ground, surrounded by dirt

    13. Detergent pods

    detergent pods.

    14. Ibuprofen

    Ibuprofen red tablets sitting on a table

    15. Earphones (even the wired ones)

    A man looking upset with earbuds in his ears, sitting in his car

    16. Literally the holidays

    four young children with their faces pressed against a window while looking at toys

    17. Paper books

    A young woman reading a book under a tree

    18. Planners

    A woman writing down info while in class

    19. Stamps

    An older woman holding a postcard covered in stamps

    20. Bed sets

    A man waking up in bed, with the blankets wrapped around him

    21. Candles

    A man lighting many candles in front of him

    22. Bras and underwear

    A young man dancing around his living room wearing a shirt and boxers

    23. Toilet paper

    Woody from "Toy Story" standing on a roll of toilet paper

    24. Sunglasses

    Woman sitting on a plane while looking up wearing sunglasses

    25. Going to amusement and water parks

    A mom and her daughter screaming while riding a roller coaster

    26. Swimsuits (especially if you buy the top and bottom separately)

    Three daughters and their dad wearing bathing suits at a water park

    27. Window blinds and curtains

    A woman peeking behind window curtains

    28. Pots and pans

    A cartoon rat serving up an omelet from a pan

    29. Pets

    A woman sitting behind the driver's seat in her car and her dog beside her in the passenger seat

    30. Outdoor furniture

    A woman lounging on an outdoor couch.

    31. Bacon

    A cartoon bowl of porridge with eggs as eyes and a strip of bacon as a smile.

    32. Gift wrap

    An adult elf cutting into wrapping paper

    33. Sanitary products

    A woman disguised as a man, with a tampon up her nose.

    34. Ice cream

    A man eating ice cream on the beach

    35. Guacamole

    A man holding a chip hat with guacamole around the brim

    36. Dried fruit

    A California Raisins commercial with dancing raisins.

    37. Groceries in general

    Two young women grocery shopping.

    38. Food delivery

    A pizza delivery man dropping off a pizza.

    39. Decorative pillows

    A woman holding a decorative pillow.

    40. Wipes

    A man wiping a historical painting and looking at the wipe in shock.

    41. Mouthwash

    Two young people brushing their teeth.

    42. Smoothies

    A man holding a smoothie with an ostrich beside him.

    43. Jeans

    Four middle-aged women wearing "mom jeans"

    44. Sunscreen

    A man showing off a poorly balanced tan

    45. And vacuums

    A man disguised as an older woman vacuuming in the living room.