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The Talented Miss Arkansas

If her hand was up my bottom, I would have been yodeling of joy as well

Say OMG 13 years ago

Must. Have. Iphone.

A humorous take on the iPhone hype. Because, you know, it prints money and all.

Sara K. 13 years ago

Lightning Takes Down 'Touchdown Jesus'

Atheists are having a field day with this. "Part of me feels bad - I mean, I wouldn't want my $500,000 property to be destroyed. On the other hand, there's a certain amount of schadenfreude when a giant Jesus gets struck by lightning and destroyed. I mean, how many times have atheists suggested that God strike them with lightning if he was real, but he's never delivered? I guess he's annoyed by gaudy Christian art more than godless heathens." Via Blag Hag

kwashere 13 years ago

College Glee-Inspired Flash Mob

Students at the Ohio State University contributed to a Glee inspired flash mob around 12:35pm on May 3, 2010. Well done, if you ask me...

Sara K. 14 years ago