These Inception-Like Images Will Blow Your Mind


    Aydin Buyuktas' series, "Flatland" was inspired by Edwin Abbat's book, "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions."

    Buyuktas says we live in places that, most of the time, don't draw our attention.

    Places that transform our memories, places that the artist gives another dimension; where the perceptions that generally cross our minds will be demolished and new ones will arise.

    Buyuktas says that these images aim to leave the viewer alone with a surprising multidimensional romantic point of view.

    When Buyuktas first started this series, he wanted each photo to be an analog collage, so he planned the photos very carefully in 3D software.

    The planning period takes about two months to create the smooth curves in the photos, and thousands of 3D renderings.

    Buyuktas ended up not liking the analog collage approach, so he decided to create the images digitally.

    He painstakingly crafts the images to his liking in photoshop, which takes many days for a single image.

    Buyuktas says that waiting for the right weather conditions was challenging.

    Often times, when went out to shoot, he had to turn back because of bad weather.

    Weather wasn't the only obstacle for Buyuktas, though...

    Sometimes birds would attack his drones!

    To see more of Buyuktas' work, visit his website, Facebook page, or Instagram.