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    16 Painful And Joyous Moments Birth Moms Know To Be True

    The arduous journey through adoption is tough yet rewarding. Every birth mother's experience is unique, but some things are universal.

    1. Finding out you are pregnant

    2. What it's like to be pregnant without any of the upsides

    3. How do you even begin to try to pick out an adoptive family

    4. What it feels like to put the needs of your child over the wants of your own heart

    5. How painful your boobs are after you go home from the hospital

    6. The body you are left with afterwards

    7. How awkward it is at other women's baby showers

    8. The many dumb and insensitive questions people ask you

    9. Even worse, when people try to give you advice

    10. How bittersweet Mother's Day can be

    11. How unamusing adoption jokes become...

    12. Worrying that your birth child will resent you when they grow older

    13. Knowing that you are one super strong woman

    14. Hoping that you can inspire or be there for other future birth moms

    15. The satisfaction that you get knowing that you changed an adoptive family's life.

    16. Knowing that you made the right choice