Jackson Wang Answered Fan Questions While Playing With Puppies, And It Was Cuteness Overload

    There are lots of puppy kiss attempts. LOTS. You're welcome.

    Hello, if you're a GOT7 or Jackson fan, you'll understand what a big deal this puppy interview is — I mean, HELLO, Wang Puppy plays with real puppies! *heart literally stops* And, of course, he answered a bunch of fan questions.

    Prepare yourself emotionally, and witness all of the silliness and cuteness in all its glory:

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    BuzzFeed / Via youtube.com

    1. When are you releasing Team Wang merch?

    2. If you could get anything tattooed, what would it be?

    3. What is your ideal first date?

    4. If you could transform into any animal, what would it be?

    5. What is your creative process like when it comes to making music?

    6. If you had the chance to act in a movie or a drama, what kind of role would you like to play?

    7. Do you have a favorite fashion piece?

    8. What is one song of yours that you think represents you the best?

    9. Who's an artist that you really want to collaborate with?

    Puppy lifting break!

    10. When did you realize you were famous?

    11. If you could have any superpower, what power would it be?

    12. How did you end up working with Gucci Mane on "Different Game?"

    13. If you had to choose a theme song to describe your life, what would it be?

    14. What's your skincare routine like?

    15. Can you leave a message for your future self?

    Thanks for coming, Jackson! Next time you'll get *all* of the puppy kisses!

    Follow Jackson on Instagram and Twitter, and check out his latest single, "Different Game" featuring Gucci Mane!

    View this video on YouTube

    Shanghai Jiaer Media Studio / Via youtube.com

    And for more info on how you can adopt the adorable puppies that Jackson played with, as well as their many canine and feline friends in need of homes, hit up North Shore Animal League America!