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    16 Life Challenges Only People With Eczema Or Very Dry Skin Understand

    I'm flaky and I like it.

    1. When you're with friends you spend 50% of the time talking about your eczema.

    2. You own several ointments that are extremely flammable.

    3. You are also intimately acquainted with all sorts of cooking oils.

    4. You've probably used too many steroid creams on your eczema, but sometimes they are the only thing that works.

    5. You spend a disproportionate amount of your life standing naked doing nothing because you're waiting for whatever ointment you're using to sink in.

    6. After many years, you find an eczema treatment that actually works. You use it religiously for two years. And then... it stops working.

    7. You are so well versed in skin conditions and treatments that friends and family approach you about weird skin ailments before they visit the doctor.

    8. You can't believe people actually get out of the shower and get dressed without seriously!? They DO that?

    9. People like to recommend their miracle eczema cures that happened to work on their step-cousin's dog...

    10. Pinterest gave you hope when it told you you could cure your eczema with a DIY salve made from boiled oats, sunshine and positive thinking.

    11. Packing to go on holiday is a nightmare. Surely NOBODY can survive on only 100ml of moisturiser for one week?!

    12. Stylish outfits that are made of 100% breathable cotton, of course...

    13. You have snuck to a toilet cubicle when you don't need to wee just so you can have a good scratch.

    14. If you do scratch in public, people tell you to STOP SCRATCHING and that is annoying.

    15. The doctor told you most people grow out of eczema once they're an adult...

    16. Nevertheless, you know that Eczema does have some perks...

    And remember, even Beyonce is itchy sometimes.