10 Things Obama Said Other Than The N-Word On Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast

    "You can’t get cynical or frustrated because you didn’t get all the way there immediately."

    Marc Maron's interview with Barack Obama dropped today, and with it came some of the President's most candid quotes yet.

    Today is @POTUS day on @WTFpod! He’s the President! Good talk! Do it up! http://t.co/TRZkCfIIIs

    1. Obama expressed frustration with the frequency of mass shootings in America:

    2. He discussed whether gun laws would change after Charleston:

    3. He talked about his values:

    4. Obama professed his faith in the American people:

    5. Obama filled us in on how his Hawaiian roots help him stay chill, brah:

    6. Obama gave his thoughts on the current media landscape:

    7. He addressed the frustration with slow-moving change:

    8. He weighed in on the upcoming Supreme Court decision on the ACA:

    9. Obama spoke fondly of his mother:

    10. Obama explained how he believes education can help eradicate poverty:

    And in case for some reason you didn't hear, Obama addressed racism, and yes, he said the N-word: