
Sarah Beaulieu

Sarah Beaulieu’s work is grounded in her ability to spark and lead a variety of sensitive and often uncomfortable conversations that help leaders and organizations align their capital with mission and unlock their full potential. She has done this with business executives, survivors of sexual assault and the people who love them, leaders of nonprofits and foundations and an extraordinary range of others. As a survivor of sexual violence herself, she’s had hundreds of conversations with all kinds of people about her experiences and journey as a survivor. Sarah Beaulieu writes frequently about sexual violence on The Enliven Project, her personal blog, and is a contributor to The Good Men Project and Huffington Post. Her work has been published by the Providence Journal,, Cognoscenti (WBUR), the Nonprofit Quarterly, Commonhealth (WBUR) and the Stanford Social Innovation Review. Sarah is working on a book, a guide for men on supporting survivors, based on her interviews and surveys of hundreds of men in the U.S. Sarah is an experienced speaker and presenter on a variety of topics ranging from fundraising, networking, and sexual violence. She has shared her personal story of sexual violence since college where she was the featured survivor speaker at Take Back the Night, and has served as a member of the Survivor Speakers’ Bureau at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center since 2009. She has presented at the Conference for Volunteering and Service, Her Conference, Jane Doe Hill Day, Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, SheGeeks Out, and numerous other events, panels, and conferences. Sarah graduated from Brown University and earned an M.B.A. from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Sarah serves on board of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, one of the nation’s oldest rape crisis centers. Sarah lives in Boston, MA with her husband, Marc, two young children, and dog.

Mar 2014
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