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    The "Selfie Shoe" Is A Real Thing You Guys

    You think this HAS to be an April Fools joke, don't you?

    This isn't even an April Fools prank. No, really, it isn't (or if it is, it's a very elaborate one and the joke's on me).

    Don't believe me? Visit the Miz Mooz website - the designer taking pre-orders for this wacky new addition to footwear fashion. Practical AND chic.



    Everyone knows, as demonstrated in the above image, that the best angle for a flattering photo is from above your head.

    So Miz Mooz chose the appendage as far from ABOVE your head that they could find and decided THAT was what you should use to take selfies with. Genius!

    Mind you, we all thought selfie sticks were stupid and only an idiot would use one until they astoundingly became cool, didn't we? Well, not COOL, but... admittedly useful.

    And on the plus side, the selfie shoe wearer is going to get one seriously beefed up leg from lifting it in the air until she finds the perfect angle. And then lifting it up again for another shot because that last one was hideous.

    Who needs to go to the gym when you have the selfie shoe?

    This Is You With The Selfie Shoe!

    The Selfie Shoe In All Its Glory.

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