Young People Are Sharing What They’re “Tired Of Hearing” From Older Generations, And I Kind Of Agree

    "College isn’t the price of a McDouble anymore, old man."

    Reddit user baker10923 recently asked, "Younger people of Reddit. What are you tired of hearing from older generations?" and I feel personally attacked because I've heard at least 90% of these things.

    Here are some of the top-voted and best responses:

    1. "Just start saving! You’ll be able to buy a house in no time."

    David saying, "That's not gonna happen."

    2. "'You kids and these damn phones...' I mean, my parents are on their phones more than I am."


    "Yup. And they're the ones who always watch Facebook videos blaring at full volume, too."


    3. "Anything to the effect of 'young people can't have back pain (or any other physical disability).' Like, dude, I wish being in my 20s made me immune to being injured. But that's literally just not how the human body works."

    Cartoon character groaning at the doctor's office.

    4. "'No one wants to work anymore.' We want to work. We just don't want to work for poverty wages."


    "First of all, no one ever wanted to work. That's why it's called, 'work,' and not 'fun.' Second of all, maybe it's that no one wants to work at your job that lists itself as entry level, but wants five years of experience and a master's degree, along with being able to work 12-hour days at minimum wage."


    5. "'When I was your age, I already had five kids and two grandchildren' or 'My granddaughter is your age, and she already has three kids. When are you going to give you mom some grandkids?!'

    A woman rolling her eyes as she takes a sip of wine.

    6. "'I have more life experience than you…' then proceeds to go on an emotionally stunted rant based on their own personal bias due to trauma they refuse to process because 'they know best.'"


    7. "'Young people just want to drink and go to parties.' Like, seriously? Don't pretend like you didn't do this, too."

    A woman scrunching her eyes.

    8. "'Your generation is sensitive and weren't taught hard work.' I mean, ya'll literally raised us. How is it our fault?"


    9. "Pull yourself up by your boot straps and work harder."

    A baby crying

    10. "I'm fed up with some older people expecting gratitude 'for all that they have done,' while taking zero responsibility for the problems that they will leave future generations."


    11. "I'm 32, and I've learned that I should NEVER vent to my mom anymore because no matter what it is I'm pissed about or ranting about, she always turns it into how I need to find a church and surround myself with 'like minded people.'"

    A woman saying, "After zero consideration, I'm happy to say hard pass."

    12. "I'm tired of people complaining about how younger people are terrible as though they weren't the ones that raised those younger people to be what they are."


    "'These millennials and their damn participation trophies.' Who the fuck were the ones handing them out? They weren't giving them to themselves as children."


    13. "'When you're older, you'll agree with me.' For fucks sake, just because you're older doesn't mean you're always right or that you know the answers to all my life's problems. You grew up in a different time period, with different problems, and different social views.

    April with her hands on her temples and her eyes wide.

    14. "Just had someone the other day ask me, 'So why aren't you married?' I'm like...if I met someone worth marrying, then I would!"


    "Best response to this is 'supply chain issues.'"


    15. "How we can't fix anything ourselves. Then, they promptly ask us to fix their Wi-Fi, set up their new phone, and figure out why their computer is running slow. We can do plenty; we just have a different skill set!"

    Alex from "One Day at a Time" saying, "Interesting twist."

    16. "I hate hearing about how young people today have no respect for their elders. Are you serious? You all were doing the same shit that people do today. The only difference is that now everyone has a camera in their pocket."


    17. "I hate how we've gone from me getting Facebook as a teenager and my parents yelling things like, 'DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET,' to them now sending me 'medical research' from unverified sources."

    Homer Simpson in front of a computer saying, "you can't post that on the internet."

    18. "Video games are a waste of time."


    And finally...

    19. "'You kids had it so easy growing up, and now your kids will have it even easier than that.' Uhm, THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE NEXT GENERATION!"

    Sam from "iCarly" smashing her drink.

    Did we miss any that you've heard? Comment them down below!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.