19 Things Picky Eaters Can't Get Away With

    Won't you just try it? *hisses*

    1. You can't eat something without meticulously picking off everything you hate.

    2. And even then, you can't fully enjoy it because the taste of what was there still lingers on it.

    3. You can't order ONE PIZZA without starting World War III.

    4. You can’t help but become addicted to foods you actually like.

    5. You can't try a new food without making this face:

    6. And you can't NOT brag about it afterwards.

    7. You can't clean up dinner without scraping off the "rejected foods" first.

    8. You can't eat at a friend's house without getting nervous about what's for dinner.

    9. And you can’t afford to offend someone’s cooking so you have get rid of the evidence like this:

    10. You can't leave the restaurant without a super long receipt.

    11. You can’t consume a sandwich or burger without completely destroying it first.

    12. And when you do order something, you can't enjoy it because SURPRISE, SURPRISE, it came with an ingredient on it that you HATE.

    13. You can’t grow out of the kid’s menu because it's always got your back.

    14. You can’t stop hyperventilating when your food comes and IT’S ALL TOUCHING.

    15. You can't even process WHY PEOPLE KEEP TRYING to push their favourite foods on you.

    16. Because you simply can’t forgive people who urge you to “just try it!”

    17. You can't explain why food is sometimes DISGUSTING or TOLERABLE depending on how, when, and what you're eating it with.

    18. You can’t try a new place without being disappointed.

    19. And finally, you can’t get through a meal without having a designated “nasty” napkin or plate.

    *returns to box of doughnuts that have never judged me*