15 Pictures That Will Make You Say "Me As A Pigeon"

    Because we're all pigeons.

    1. When you're working on a group project and need to assert your dominance over the slackers:

    2. When you confront your friend because they haven't liked your new profile picture yet:

    3. When your co-worker tells you that you've got food on your shirt three hours after you've had lunch:

    4. When you take a risk on a new hairdresser and it pays off:

    5. When you've spent a couple months travelling Europe after graduation and now realize you have no money and need to enter the workforce:

    6. After your mom told you to bring a jacket but you ignored her and then she was right because it's a little more chilly than you expected but you don't want to admit you're wrong so you just silently freeze to death:

    7. When you ask for friend for a piggyback ride but they weren't quite ready:

    8. When you catch your two best friends hanging out without you and start planning exactly how you'll get revenge:

    9. When cheat day ends up being seven days a week:

    10. When you were talking shit with your best friend but then the person you were talking about walks in:

    11. When you keep putting off showering, but after you finally get in, you now never want to leave:

    12. When your table has been waiting for their food forever, but the waiter brings you your food first:

    13. When you're at a house party and someone starts puking and you have to activate mom-mode:

    14. But then you switch out of it real quick when you spot your friends passed out and need to document it for future blackmail purposes:

    15. And lastly, when you made something you're really proud of and want to show everyone: