15 "Life Hacks" That I Learned This Month That Are Genuinely Useful

    "Tucking a large towel or hoodie on the top of your laundry basket will help prevent items from spilling out on the way down and up from the laundry room."

    I'm a sucker for a good "life hack," but most of the ones I see online are really more like four-day DIY projects that involve buckets of glue, wooden pallets, and a flame thrower. I really just want simple things that I can do every day that make my life easier. I've written a handful of life hacks posts already, and ya'll seem to enjoy them, so let's keep them coming!

    "Wow. Actual tips instead of an ad to buy things!"

    So, here's your fresh batch of actually doable hacks from the r/lifehacks and r/foodhacks subreddits, as well as the comments from my previous posts:

    1. "Use a beard trimmer to remove the cat scratch threads from you couch."

    Before-and-after of a couch cushion

    2. "Canned tomato paste hack. Open both sides of the can and..."

    A can of tomato paste

    "Push all of the paste out. The can is now like a tube so everything will come out. No more scraping and wasting half the can."

    Someone pushing the tomato paste onto a skillet

    3. "Finally figured out how to store those pesky corn cob holders. No more poking myself in the kitchen drawer."

    A sponge with picks in it

    4. "Tucking a large towel or hoodie on the top of your laundry basket will help prevent items from spilling out on the way down and up from the laundry room."

    A towel tucked into the top of a laundry basket

    5. "How to make impromptu garbage bins for a party. I am having a graduation party for my daughter tomorrow. We are having a large crowd. I wanted to place a few garbage bins outside around the yard, so here's what I did. I placed a 33-gallon plastic bag inside of a lawn and leaf palate bag. I cuffed the top, rolling twice, and clipped the plastic bag to the cuff."

    Make-shift trash cans

    6. "The 10-ounce setting on a Keurig machine will perfectly fill a ramen cup."

    A Keurig being used for ramen noodles

    7. "Green onions in water works almost too well. Infinite greens hack!"

    Green onions in water

    8. "Use a cheese grater when you need to spread cold butter on cold things (like pre-buttered toast or pie crust batter)."

    Someone using a cheese grater on butter

    9. "I bought this for $9. It's called Amazon 'smart shelf' and is designed to automatically reorder an item when the inventory gets low. Instead of putting it in my kitchen, I placed it under my dog's water. Now I get an alert every time his bowl gets too low and needs to be refilled."

    A water bowl on a smart shelf

    10. "An absolute revolution for herbs. This cilantro is two weeks old (after vacation). It’s as if it were picked today. I put paper towel on bottom, rinse and untied the cilantro, and put more paper towel on top. Then, sealed in container. Wow!"

    A paper towel used to keep herbs fresh

    11. "Serve ice cream in a wine tumbler to keep it frozen longer."

    Ice cream in a wine tumbler

    12. "Seems that old couch springs make for pretty good plant climbers."

    Springs as plant climbers

    13. "How to avoid the automatic toilet from flushing while sitting on it. 🧻"

    A piece of paper over the toilet sensor

    14. "When eating a clementine, hold it up against light. You'll be able to see where the seeds are."

    A clementine held up to the light

    And finally...

    15. "Use a rubber band to travel with pump bottles without a mess."

    A rubber band on a pump bottle of CeraVe

    Now, it's your turn! What's a life hack that you started doing that has improved your daily life? Comment below!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.