Laurie Hernandez Just Revealed Her Cheesy Inspiration To The Perfect Tango

    Is there anything quesadillas can't do?

    We all know about gold-medalist Laurie Hernandez. She conquered the 2016 Olympics and is currently being an absolute goddess on Dancing With The Stars.

    She recently went on Ellen and stole what was left of our hearts.

    While there, Laurie revealed her cheesy secret on achieving the perfect tango:

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    Ellen wanted to know more about Laurie's ~inspiration~ for her dancing.

    And we learned about her dance partner's advice, but that's easier said than done when you're 16 and single.

    Her partner tried to make connections that she would understand...

    ...but Laurie knew exactly where to draw inspiration from.

    In case you're wondering, this is what Laurie looks like smelling a quesadilla.

    Never change, Laurie!