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    Chris Pratt Held A Contest To Make His Facebook Header And The Entries Are Hilarious

    More like Jurassic ART, amirite?

    Chris Pratt has definitely made his mark lately, most notably with films like Jurassic World and Guardians of The Galaxy, and shows like Parks and Recreation, of course.

    Thus it's only natural he wants his Facebook page to reflect all of the fun he's been having.

    So on Friday, he posted this message on Facebook:

    Facebook: PrattPrattPratt

    He wrote, "Whoever replies with the best header will have the honor of it being my official header," because he doesn't know Photoshop, and he wants to give fans a chance to be noticed. WHAT A GUY.

    In case you didn't read his post in full, here are some vital rules Chris Pratt wants you to follow:

    1. Make sure it will fit the size of a normal Facebook header (1" tall x 3.5" wide, according to Mr. Pratt.)

    2. Make sure your signature is big enough on the artwork so that he knows it's yours.

    3. Include characters he has played: Peter Quill/Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy, Owen Grady from Jurassic World, Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec, and Emmet from The LEGO Movie.

    4. And include other awesome things he suggested, like his family, anything Sylvester Stallone, American flags, guns, "cool Ford Raptors,"and anything that "looks badass." BECAUSE HE SAID.

    Anyway, since the posting, he's received some seriously amazing submissions in the comments:

    And some that require a double take:

    He posted again on Friday evening, announcing the deadline, and confirming that HE, CHRIS PRATT HIMSELF, has been looking at every single submission.

    Facebook: PrattPrattPratt

    Submissions have been closed as of 12 AM Saturday morning, but you can take a look at the submissions on his Facebook page.