9 Feature Stories We're Reading This Week: Greek Neo Nazis, Barack Obama, And Swingers

    This week for BuzzReads, Dorian Lynskey discusses the implications of the murder of a Greek rapper by a member of their Neo-Nazi party. Read that and these other stories from around BuzzFeed and the web.

    1. Kill the Past: Did A Rapper’s Murder Bring Down Greece’s Neo-Nazi Party? — BuzzFeed

    2. Going the DistanceNew Yorker

    3. This is Danny Pearl's Final StoryWashingtonian

    4. The Sordid End of David MeggettSB Nation

    5. So MoneyGrantland

    6. The Secret Double of Life of Mister Cee, Hip-Hop's Most Beloved DJGQ

    7. We Kill Ourselves Because We Are HauntedGuernica

    8. Sad YouTube: The Lost Treasures Of The Internet’s Greatest Cesspool — BuzzFeed

    9. How a Math Genius Hacked OKCupid to Find True LoveWired