Sam T.

Hi. I'm your new friend Sam. Actually, I probably don't want to be your friend as I don't really like people all that much. I'm married and I absolutely ADORE him to pieces. I'm NOT in college because college is just white people looking for other white people to read to them; So I figure I'll just save my money and read to myself. You can learn a lot more about the world by actually living a life instead of sitting in a classroom. Anyway, I know I'll eventually get some form of higher education but it will probably food related since that is what I love and do for a living. I decorate cakes and people pay me and it's fantastic! I also watch A LOT of television (over 30 shows year round) but that doesn't mean I'm a couch potato. My favourite is Battlestar Galactica and jesus h christ I can't even explain to you what that show means to me. My life took a BIG turn for the better in the past few months and I'm thoroughly enjoying whatever comes my way.

Jul 2009
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