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Here's How To Unfriend A Ton Of People On Facebook, In One Easy Step

Let the social media purge begin!

So you're scrolling through your Facebook News Feed, minding your business, when you hit a social media land mine.

Maybe it's engagement photos from someone you went to college with. Or that weird girl from high school is posting a link to a right-wing conspiracy. Or worst of all — BABY PICTURES.

But this is Facebook. You came here to have a good time, and you're honestly feeling so attacked right now.


Face it — you probably have hundreds, if not thousands — of "friends" on Facebook. But for most of these people, do you REALLY need to see what they are up to? Conversely, do you want THEM to see what you're up to?

But going through your friends list, removing the duds one by one is EXHAUSTING. Instead, every day, go to the "Birthdays" section at the top right of your News Feed. Check and see if there is anyone you want to unfriend.

Repeat this simple procedure every day, and you'll be dropping "friends" like they're ~hot~ even though they're ~not~.

Now if only you could mute annoying people in real life...