These NSFW Chain Texts Teens Are Sending Each Other Will Make Your Jaw Drop

    Send this post to 10 of your sexy friends.

    Everyone knows that teens are cultural tastemakers, setting the trends that the rest of us "olds" will inevitably follow.

    The latest trend? Chain texts! They're like chain mail, except you can just copy and paste on your phone. It's kind of cute how technology has revitalized traditions our grandparents kept, right?

    WRONG. Because these are teens we are talking about here, these chain texts are emoji-ridden and fouler than a sailor's mouth. Seriously, someone needs to scrub these teens' phones down with a bar of soap they're so dirty.

    LIKE, THESE CHAIN TEXTS ARE VERY NSFW. The "Polar SEXpress"? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!?

    They're usually themed to a holiday or major event, like finals week (you better share this with 69 of your SEXIEST STUDY GROUPS)...

    ...Christmas (but don't be an Abominable Snow Prude!)...

    ...the presidential election for all you TRUMP LOVING TRAMPS out there...

    ...and of course, even the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens if you're a C-3P-Ho.

    Teens these days, amiright?!

    And if you'd like to send some of your own ~naughty~ chain texts, definitely check out the Tumblr account chaintexts.