24 Problems Every Indoor Person Will Understand

    Staying in is IN.

    1. People will shame you for wanting to spend time indoors, like there is something seriously wrong with you.

    2. If it is sunny outside, you know you *SHOULD* want to be outdoors... But you still would rather stay inside!

    3. All you can think about when you go outside is exposing yourself to the excruciating heat...

    4. ...or the freezing cold...

    5. ...Or the rain, and we all know how much it sucks to be soaked. Or even just moist.

    6. You're perpetually worried about going outside and getting sunburnt, and ending up looking like a lobster.

    7. The minute you step outside, you're terrified of exposing yourself to mosquitoes, ants, and a variety of other creepy crawly things.

    8. Leaving the comfortable confines of being indoors also means you leave behind electricity and Wi-Fi. Which is basically your worst nightmare.

    9. You would ALWAYS rather sit on your couch and watch Netflix than go outdoors and do anything.

    10. You know the minute you step outside you are going to perspire. And being sweaty sucks.

    11. When you step outdoors, you become super paranoid about not having access to a bathroom...

    12. ...And for that matter, any hygienic amenities like soap or a shower.

    13. Which of course means you will get dirty. Like, grimy, gross, not fun dirty. And you are most certainly not the type of person who likes to get dirty.

    14. Breathing fresh air *sounds* fun on paper, but you still would rather enjoy a gulp of nice, clean, indoor air.

    15. And leaving air-conditioning is agonizing, plain and simple. You like your environment climate-controlled.

    16. You would always prefer to enjoy the peace and quiet of being indoors, as opposed to the oppressive noise of traffic, animals, and worst of all...

    17. ...PEOPLE. Staying indoors means you will be able to avoid people. Go outside, and people are everywhere you go. AND PEOPLE ARE THE WORST.

    18. You hate the fact that going outdoors means you have to dress properly, as opposed to just chilling in your sweatpants or underwear.

    19. Going outside means you won't have a refrigerator or microwave accessible so there is a very good chance you will die from starvation.

    20. The only way you find it remotely acceptable to be outside is either if you're at the pool, or in a lounge chair in the shade...

    21. ...Or to make a run to your local Starbucks.

    22. To you, going to the beach basically just means getting pooped on by seagulls and getting sand all in unwanted places.

    23. Trigger words for you include "hiking," "camping," and "sleeping bag."

    24. And no matter how much "fun" you may be having outside, you know you would rather be chilling indoors.