For Everyone Who Is Messed Up By The "Sharp Objects" Shocking Finale

    "My daughter's dollhouse is going straight into the garbage bin."


    1. So if you watched the finale of Sharp Objects, you know we went through one of the biggest twists in TV history:

    When Camille found the teeth in Amma's dollhouse #SharpObjects

    2. Camille's (Amy Adams) sister Amma (Eliza Scanlen) was revealed to be the Wind Gap murderer all along:

    *picks up a tooth* Camille and also me #SharpObjects

    3. Earlier in the episode, Camille and Amma's mother Adora (Patricia Clarkson) took the fall for the crimes — she looked guilty AF because she was poisoning her two daughters as a result of Munchausen by proxy syndrome:

    adora when one of her daughters breathe

    4. Although Adora did have some amazing outfits...

    5. ...I think most of us are OK with her behind bars:

    6. But really, we need to talk about the Amma reveal:

    Amma’s friends when they make her mad. #SharpObjects

    7. Because even though she seemed somewhat diabolical all along, I don't know if ANY of us were ready for her to be this evil:

    Amma going to hell at the end of her life #SharpObjects

    8. Except people who read the book, that is:

    Those of us that read #SharpObjects have been holding onto the dollhouse secret like...

    9. We're totally feeling for Camille:

    if this ain't the biggest mood ever wow #SharpObjects

    10. And how shook are we?:

    sharp objects snatched my wig and my teeth


    Me trying to go to bed after the #SharpObjects finale.

    12. Basically, dollhouses are ruined for all of us fans for the rest of eternity:

    My daughter’s dollhouse is going straight into the frickin’ garbage bin. #SharpObjects #SharpObjectsFinale

    13. Although TBH I too want to take up this recreational activity, and I don't think I am alone:

    Random takeaway after each episode of Sharp Objects: I really want to go roller skating.

    14. TBH, we should have seen it coming all along:

    I don't want to spoil the Sharp Objects finale but Amy Adams gulps AND shivers.

    15. Now let's talk about the cast of the show:

    Can't imagine this won't come in handy.

    16. Because I'm pretty sure the Emmys are THEIRS:

    17. And Patricia Clarkson was EVERYTHING:

    I hope Patricia Clarkson's part on SHARP OBJECTS was sold to her as "You hate your daughter but you love fine silks."

    18. Like, every time Adora came on screen, I wanted to cover my eyes:

    adora: i love all my children equally adora, earlier that day:

    19. Also, to be fair, as harrowing as the post-credits scene was, we need to talk about this:

    Yes, yes, the post-credits sequence, but I think we can all agree that the takeaway from the Sharp Objects finale is that drinking milk with meals is weird and should not be done.

    20. And I kind of wish this happened too, TBH:

    Stay tuned after the credits on the SHARP OBJECTS finale: Elizabeth Perkins drinks an entire Bloody Mary in 30 seconds and says, "Gotta love this town."

    21. Also, imagine Camille sharing her story she's been working on about the murders and her messed-up family on social media:

    Sharp Objects is so much darker if you imagine Amy Adams trying to phrase her “read my story” tweet about the whole experience.

    22. All in all, this show was everything, but I'm like mentally exhausted from watching:

    The most relatable thing about SHARP OBJECTS is that everyone in your hometown is polite but unsettling.

    23. Anyways, we might not be able to sleep at night, but at least we know what we're going to wear for Halloween this year:

    My Halloween Costume, 2018. #SharpObjects