26 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning When Basic People Use Them

    Spoiler Alert: We're all a little bit basic.

    1. "Fro-yo"

    2. "Literally"

    3. "Rap music"

    4. "Reality TV"

    5. "Coffee"

    6. "The Gym"

    7. "The Bible"

    8. "Taking A Picture"

    9. "Dancing"

    10. "Books"

    11. "Cocktails"

    12. "I can't even"

    13. "Dessert"

    14. "Pinterest"

    15. "Music"

    16. "Wine"

    17. "Fashion"

    18. "Diet Coke"

    19. "Television"

    20. "Drunk"

    21. "Instagram"

    22. "Water"

    23. "Halloween"

    24. "Sorry I'm not sorry"

    25. "Celebrities"

    26. "Basic"

    Also on Buzzfeed: How Basic Are You?