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    Right-Wing Radio: Satire Or Not?

    So apparently the GOP's got a messaging problem. Try and tell which of the following statements are sincere and which are parody!

    A) HOST: Parents, do you know what your children are learning? You should. There is a concerted effort to indoctrinate your children with progressive propaganda, going on right now. It's everywhere: the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon, with the global warming agenda.

    B) HOST: Tell your kids that if someone approaches them with pamphlets about recycling, an invitation to a labor rally or show any doubts about the fairness of our system, then they should find a teacher or a policeman immediately.

    C) CALLER: We need better mascots!

    HOST: You know, OK. That is true. This is so true. Kids - the children of America, need to look up to people like Derrick the Dodo! And not some, not some liberal puppet on public television to teach her how to count. There's only three numbers I care about, and that is 3-2-1-Launch, OK?

    D) HOST: Oh so your a - a sodomite?

    CALLER: Er yes, I guess I am

    HOST: Oh so you should only get AIDS and die ya pig! Go eat a sausage ya pig! How's that?

    E) HOST: We've got into the-into the PC mode of like "hey we're all the same, we're all equal, man, hey, women can do anything men can do, you know, even have Adam's apples! Yeah, you know, right. Yeah, sure. BS, OK? I don't shop uncontrollably!

    F) HOST: A long time ago the feminazis began their quest to make women more like men, which is what feminaziism is, essentially, all about - to dress like us, acquire power like us, have careers like us, all that, that's really what it was all about."

    G) HOST: Young people have this almost romantic attachment to civil rights, civil liberties - emancipating people from oppression, and its able to get pushed in this country because education is woefully inept!

    H) HOST: They believe in communism. They believe and have called for a revolution. You're going to have to shoot them in the head. But warning, they may shoot you.They are dangerous because they believe. Karl Marx is their George Washington. You will never change their mind.

    I) HOST: We'll be right here - we'll be right here in the air conditioning, watching the news, and stewing over people like you who - who are trying to break into our houses, and trust me, you come into my house, buddy, you know there's gonna be a - you'll be in store for a little double-barrelled surprise, OK? I will take you, and I will shoot a hole in you!


    A: The Glenn Beck Program, Fox News, 5/3/2010

    B: GTA Vice City, Flash FM PSA

    C: GTA IV, WKTT, Richard Bastion Show

    D: Michael Savage, MSNBC, 7/7/2003

    E: GTA IV, WKTT, Richard Bastion Show

    F: Rush Limbaugh, 9/3/2013

    G: Rush Limbaugh, 19/3/2013

    H: The Glenn Beck Program, Fox News, 20/1/2011

    I: GTA IV, WKTT, Richard Bastion Show

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