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    10 Times Charlie Kelly Was Your Spirit Animal

    You know that bird law isn't governed by reason and cats don't abide by the laws of nature. And you just want to know what the damn spaghetti policy is here.

    1. You have unique pastimes.

    2. You seek answers to some of life's biggest questions.

    3. You enjoy relaxing... and when people leave you the hell alone.

    4. You're always looking to score a deal...especially when it comes to that sweet, sweet boxed wine.

    5. You're super knowledgeable on the important stuff. Like cats...and bird law.

    6. You pretty much own the online dating game.

    7. You crush a little hard.

    8. If you're not the looks, the brains or the muscle, chances are you're the wildcard.

    9. You're sympathetic, and there for your friends in their time of need.

    10. And sometimes just this...

    All in all, you're probably just a fun, misunderstood, cat-loving, cheese eating, rat-killer... who may drink excessively.