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    Muslim American Matchmakers Discuss Common Misconceptions

    The Matchmakers on the Front line - Discuss What its Like Helping Muslims Connect for Marriage.

    3) Matchmakers may work for some people but not for me - These are those guys and girls that shy away from using matchmakers because they feel that the matchmaker won't work for them they are apprehensive and may feel embarrassed.

    Rumana Rashid, the lead matchmaker at Beyond Chai told me about Naveed,* a finance professional from California. Rumana said that he who was one of the guys who knew about matchmakers but wasn't sure if they would be able to help him.

    Rumana said that Naveed was tired of the traditional process, his mom would send him biodatas of girls from abroad and it never seemed like any of the profiles he would receive were of people that he could have a real chance to connect with. Naveed felt it was hard for him to identify the qualities he was looking for because he was never really asked, instead his mom and aunties would email him with profiles and bio-datas.

    "During my first consultation call I was able to ask Naveed what was actually important for him in relation to his future spouse," said Rumana. "He actually came back to me on our next call and said that by speaking to me he was able to really think about what exactly he wanted as opposed to just flat out rejecting profiles and feeling bad about the process."

    Rumana has worked closely with many single Muslims and she said matchmaking is really a two way street with a lot of communication and transparency.

    "Sometimes the guys and the girls who come to me are unrealistic about their expectations, my job as their matchmaker is to set realistic goals by making them think through hard questions and narrow down to what is really important to them," said Rumana.

    In her over five years' experience of matchmaking Rumana said that once people understand what a matchmaker's role is and how the process works it is an extremely valuable relationship.

    Asad Ansari, one of the founders of Beyond Chai and the Muslim District (Craigslist for Muslims) said that he knows about the challenges of finding someone on their own because the Muslim American community remains relatively small and geographically dispersed.

    "Online Islamic marriage sites are viable options and have successfully worked for many. But not all users subscribed to these sites are serious about starting a long-term relationship," said Ansari. "The added value of the matchmakers is that they have an art of knowing people who are interested in settling down and will propose those candidates."