The Rules Of Dating When You Were A Kid

    Romance was a lot simpler when you didn't actually have to talk to each other...

    When you were a kid, letting someone know you liked them was easy. You chased them.

    Or you hit them.

    Or if that failed, you went for the pencil case.

    Once your feelings had been made clear, you sent in an emissary.

    Then all you could do was wait and hope they said yes.

    If they did - result! You could then never talk to or look at each other again. Except to swap notes like this.

    Or this.

    School discos were the big social event of the year, where boys and girls kept their distance...

    ...until it was time for the 'slow dance'.

    Yeah, school discos were the most romantic night of your young life.

    Providing you had a partner, of course. Otherwise they were kind of depressing.

    After school discos, Valentine's Day was the most important time of year. A good card was vital.

    Homemade was always the way to go.

    Along with a present that was both subtle and cool.

    And a rose. You had to have a rose.

    As you got a bit older, communication got a little easier. You'd spend hours on the phone in your bedroom.

    Or chatting on MSN.

    Eventually, you might even graduate to hanging out in your room.

    The only thing that was certain is that it wouldn't last forever.

    For a few days, at least. Then you'd dust yourself off and start the whole sorry business all over again.