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Hey Parents, Stop Texting Your Children "Call Me."


Hey parents and/or guardians, sit back and listen because I am going to tell you something that you don't seem to know.

However, first I need to ask you something.

Have you ever texted your child: "call me?"

Of course you have.

Do you know what they think when you text them that?

Do you have ANY IDEA what they think when you say that to them?

Well today is your lucky day because I am going to tell you exactly what they think because I don't think you know.

Every time you text them "call me." they literally think someone important to them has died.

Their heart drops and they run through a list in their head of all of the possible people it could be that died.

Every time.

Not even sometimes, literally every time.


So please parents, next time you need to have a regular phone call with your kids

How about you text them something chill like "yoooo"

or "heyyyyyyy"

or even just text them and tell them what you want to tell them?