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    Australians Are Deeply Concerned About Antony Green

    ABC’s favourite Election Analyst was having the time of his life with the Queensland Elections, but some Aussies were worried the excitement was too much for the little guy.

    Antony Green is an election god. Every year thousands of Australians gather around their television to watch him work his magic with his crazy computer graphics.

    Since 1989, he's covered over 50 state and federal elections with his colourful ties and his overuse of the word 'bellwether'.

    Truly, Green is a national treasure.

    The inspiration of countless memes and drinking games, he holds a special place in the hearts of Australians everywhere.

    But during last night's historic Queensland state election, something changed.

    Despite all pre-election predictions indicating otherwise, the LNP toppled massively during the count, with Premier Campbell Newman losing his seat and resigning, while Labor surged in popularity.

    Although the Labor party had previously only held nine seats in Parliament after the 2012 election, they secured an extraordinary double-digit swing that could see Labor return to power.

    The final vote, including pre-polling and postal, is yet to be finalised, but it's looking pretty bad for the LNP and pretty awesome for the Labor party.

    "I'm currently predicting Labor to win 46 seats with a majority government," he said. "I keep looking at my screen trying to work out if something is wrong or there's an error."

    Just heard @AntonyGreenABC say "I am stunned." He's not the only one. #qldvotes

    Even Antony Green couldn't believe what he was seeing #qldvotes #qldpol

    I think @AntonyGreenABC may soon run out of suitable adjectives to describe what's happening in QLD. #qldvotes

    I've never heard @AntonyGreenABC so rattled. This is historic. #ABCNews24

    The fact that @AntonyGreenABC is surprised by the results of #qldvotes is staggering seeing how many elections he's seen

    But while the night went on, and Antony Green got more and more excited, viewers started taking to Twitter to express concern for the analyst

    Oh dear, I think we have almost broken Antony Green #qldvotes

    Of all the winners and losers tonight, it looks like Antony Green has had the worst night overall. #Qldvotes #AusOpen #AUSvKOR

    Antony Green is literally losing his mind over the #qldvotes results. He's becoming flustered, suspicious of his computer, unable to cope.

    Worried about Antony Green's blood pressure. Someone give him a paper bag #qldvotes

    For pity's sake. Can someone get Antony Green some smelling salts? #qldvotes2015

    Is Antony Green okay?? He keeps coughing and I'm terrified of facing an election without him.

    Way to go Qld, you've flustered @AntonyGreenABC and he's got enough to deal with what with his touch screen TV. #qldvotes

    QLd if you break Antony Green, you buy him!

    Technology was being a fickle mistress for Green, as tweeters sympathised with his epic struggle against his touch screen.

    Technology is letting @AntonyGreenABC down tonight. I blame Toney's ABC budget cuts.

    Poor @AntonyGreenABC's technology is really attacking him tonight. #notcoolIT #qldvotes #abcnews24

    Eatin a chicken twistie ev time antony green presses wrong square on touchpad screen

    LED touchscreen 3 vs Antony Green 0. #qldvotes

    Most predictable thing about this election Antony Green struggling with the ABC's revolutionary technology

    Wow @AntonyGreenABC hates his touch screen. Maybe he could get some kind of board like the train indicators or Wheel of Fortune #qldvotes

    But despite the fretting, everyone loved seeing Australia's favourite psephologist in his element

    Crazytown in QLD. Campbell Newman loses his seat and high possibility of a hung parliament! Antony Green is losing his shit.

    Is the best night of @AntonyGreenABC's life or is this the best night of @AntonyGreenABC's life? #qldvotes

    Antony Green is having kittens. Bless. #qldvotes

    @AntonyGreenABC is loving this. Probably going to take a lot more tranquilliser than usual to get him back in the box. #qldelection

    See you at the NSW elections, buddy!