We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    42 Problem-Solving Products That Just Work Remarkably Well

    I think the Snuggle Puppy is made with magic fairy dust, because it works better than any other product I've ever bought for my dog.

    1. The Pink Stuff, a TikTok-famous cleaning product you can use to restore so many things (both indoors and outdoors) back to practically new condition. It's so good, you may just be tempted to part ways with every other cleaning product you own. 

    This awesome stuff can be used to clean like, a bajillion and one things, but note that it shouldn't be used on plastic or acrylic surfaces, highly polished stainless steel, or hot/warm surfaces, so of course, you can use it on cooktops and grills, just be sure to do so once they've cooled down! Plus, this is vegan!

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh — this stuff is a life changer! Used it to get my fiberglass shower totally clean. Nothing else would get it done and this stuff brought my shower back to near-new in one use. We’ve since cleaned a weird chalky film off our garage door, removed wall markings, and cleaned my storm door. We’ll never be without a jar (or three) of this stuff. Worth every penny." —Nancy F.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    2. Dishwasher cleaning tablets so the machine you rely on to clean the things you use to eat isn't gunking them up even more.

    the inside of a reviewer's dishwasher looking dirty
    the same dishwasher now looking cleaner after using a tablet

    These tablets remove odor-causing residue and help get rid of lime and mineral build-up that naturally occurs inside dishwashers. The tablet is designed to last throughout the entire wash cycle, and is recommended for use about once a month. These are safe to use in stainless-steel tub and plastic tub dishwashers.

    Promising review: "After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and just not getting clean. Then, I became aware that the water softener no longer was doing its job, so I had the rental company replace it. Dishwasher performance improved somewhat. I decided to do two more loads before deciding to purchase a new one. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh in a magazine. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway, so I added that to my order. When it came, I tossed one of the tablets into the bottom of the full machine, and ran the regular cycle. I did not expect the results I got! My glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I will use this faithfully on a monthly basis, as recommended. I can even put it on my subscribe and save order, so I will get a new pack every six months. I am amazed!" —Sheila

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $5.99.

    3. Canker sore patches you can use to help treat canker sores (of course) and any other mouth-related irritations — braces, oral ulcers, and more. 

    left: reviewer shoes canker sore on gum right
    reviewer photo of the patch inside of their mouth

    They can stay on even while you're eating or drinking!

    Promising review: "Honestly this is one of the weirdest things I've ever done — but it worked. I put the patch on my canker sore (looks like a tiny pill) overnight and when I woke up the patch was all huge and felt like a sponge. IT WORKED! My canker sore was significantly smaller when I woke up and no longer rubbed up against my teeth. I did one more night with the canker patch and it was completely gone. This product works great for not just mouth sore, but tongue sores. Would highly recommend!" —LW

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.21.

    4. A Snuggle Puppy that's basically a miracle solution to helping ease your pup's loneliness and separation anxiety — it's especially perfect for those crate-training their furry bbs.

    BuzzFeed Editor, Samantha Wieder's puppy laying next to the Snuggle Puppy
    dog sleeping cuddled up with snuggle puppy
    Samantha Wieder / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Last year my family made the wonderful decision to get an adorable Havanese puppy named Bailey (pictured left). Bailey experienced some major separation anxiety in those first few days/nights and we knew for the sake of our sanity and sleep schedule that we had to find a solution. Enter: The Snuggle Puppy.

    It comes with a little red heartbeat ticker and heat packs (we actually didn't even use the heat packs), that you simply place into the middle of the dog, velcro it shut, and it's heartbeat helps to make your puppy feel less alone and simulate the feeling of cuddling up to their mom. I swear this thing must be made with pixie dust because within an hour of putting this in his crate, Bailey stopped crying and was fast asleep next to it. If you opt to get the kit (we did), it also comes with two toys and a fleece blanket.

    Bailey is almost 2-years-old now so he doesn't use the puppy for comfort like he did those first few weeks, but it's STILL his favorite toy. Seriously, he loves it so much that he is constantly attempting to see if he can pick it up and bring it with him outside when we go on walks. We got him another one for his birthday and he loves it just as much as he loves the first one. It's on the pricy side for a plush dog toy, but considering how much it helped save our sanity and how much Bailey still adores it, it's a million percent worth it. This is always at the top of the list of my recommendations for friends bringing home puppies because it's just that good.

    Get it from Amazon: the Snuggle Puppy for $37+ (available in five colors).

    5. Wad-Free, a truly wonderful creation to help stop bed sheets from getting all tangled and twisted in the washer and dryer. In turn, this will help ensure that your sheets, and the other items that frequently get caught in them, come out cleaner. I don't know about you, but I'm all too familiar with finding a soaking wet sock or shirt caught in the crevices of my bed sheets and having to put them back in the dryer and it's SO.VERY.ANNOYING!

    hands putting a sheet set with the white square devices hooked to the corners in a washer

    If you watch Shark Tank, then this product may look familiar to you! Kevin and Lori both made offers, but the founder picked Mr. Wonderful. These are reusable and BPA-free!

    Promising review: "Wow!!! You wonder if things like this really work — well, I can absolutely confirm this does! I was impressed that the package came with two of the devices so there was one for the fitted sheet and the flat sheet. I tried it out and my sheets not only did NOT wad up, but they came out of the dryer feeling fresher, feeling more dry, and unwrinkled! I will be buying a set of these for each of my immediate family members and close friends! What a great gift!!!" —katy

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $18.99.

    6. And while we're on the subject of ways to make doing your laundry easier and more efficient — a Sock Dock because if you're anything like me, then you probably also have a very hungry washer/dryer that makes a meal out of your socks. Somehow, one sock always seems to go missing every time I do laundry! This handy tool will hold onto your socks, so you no longer have an excuse to wear mismatching socks and calling it a "trend." 

    Model holding the long wire SockDock with circles to attach socks, filled with sock pairs next to a washing machine

    Promising review: "This product is genius! I LOVE it!! Seriously, I hate putting my sock matches together, and as a wearer of colorful ones, it’s kind of important that I pair them up after the wash! Now I don’t have to! I would totally recommend this to anyone who hates playing the match game, or anyone who loses socks in the washing machine or dryer vortex!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $18 (available in five colors).

    7. A wood furniture repair kit so you can say adios to scratches, cracks, chips, and more. Damage caused by pets, little ones, and the elements of time don't stand a chance against this kit.

    A reviewer showing a chair leg with multiple scratches in it
    A reviewer showing the same chair leg with no visible scratch marks

    It comes with 12 shades of wood filler and a brush.

    Promising review: "This is super easy to use and effective for being so inexpensive! I am very impressed with how this fixed my chairs that my cat scratched up. Instead of spending $100 per new chair, I took a chance with this stuff and I’m so glad I did. You have to figure out what color matches your wood best — my teak chairs actually needed a slightly darker color or else the filler made the wood flat and more so like paint. When I went with the darker color it put the grain effect back on and looked natural." —Sara Petrouskie

    Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $15.99.

    8. Window fly traps because somehow those pesky little bugs got the memo that you have the coolest home in town, which is true, but that doesn't mean they're invited to hang inside or by your window.

    hand holds adhesive fly catcher with loads of green and black flies on it
    same adhesive trap with lots of flies on clear window pane

    These window fly traps are nontoxic (they're made with waterproof paper and sticky glue) and are so easy to use. Just peel them off the white release liner, place the trap on your window, and peel off the big release liner to start catching and trapping bugs.

    Promising review: "Earlier this summer, we had a legitimate fly infestation. Maybe 100 flies buzzing around the apartment, seemingly out of nowhere. We tried to kill them all by hand with paper towels. That worked a little, until the next morning when it seemed they were back in force. I bought the traps, put up just one pack of them, and BAM! These traps caught them all and I don't know, they seemed to not want to come back after that. I took the traps down a month later or so and no more flies." —D Eisner

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $9.49.

    9. natural oven scrub cleaner so the appliance you use to roast yummy veggies, bake sweet treats, and heat up frozen pizzas will be clean as can be. 

    gif of hands getting dirty oven glass door clean with scrub
    Cleaning Studio/Etsy

    This comes with the jar of oven scrub as well as a professional-grade metallic scrubber. You can use this to clean your enamel oven, racks, the oven door's interior glass panel. Cleaning Studio is an Etsy shop based in Fairfield, Connecticut that sells 100% natural cleaning products and microfiber cloths. 

    Promising review: "I am in absolute shock over how well this works. I really wish I took a before picture. WOW! My oven door window had grime on it for years that i couldn't get off from the previous owners so I'm estimating it's been like that for 4+ years. Nothing helped to cut through it and finally this oven cleaner made it look brand new. Still in shock!! Would highly recommend. Also, the smell of the product is sooo delightful." —Vanessa

    Get it from Cleaning Studio on Etsy for $19.99+ (available in two packaging options).

    10. Soundproof door strips for those whose bedroom currently doubles as a home office, and their new "co-workers" (aka roomies, family members, and pets) are kinda noisy. These also help prevent cold air escape in the summer, and warmth escape in the winter, so you can save energy, too!

    The strip attached to a door
    The strip

    Promising review: "Product works really well! I needed a quick fix to my home office situation. I live in an apartment in Manhattan and never noticed how much sound comes in and out, until I had to be on conference calls working from home! This little tape made a big difference, took me a couple of minutes to install." —Sandra Hernandez

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $7.97+ (available in four colors).

    11. Button extenders so you can easily add another inch to your favorite pants. No need to fret or toss them just because they're a little snug! 

    reviewer wearing jeans with multiple buttons
    reviewer wearing the button extender

    Promising review: "We all have those favorite pair of pants or shirts that we look absolutely great in; you gain a little weight and goodbye to those favorite pants and shirts. That was BEFORE running across this product on Amazon. That pile of clothes that no longer fit are no longer a problem because I get all the 'extra space' I need by applying one of these comfy things. If you are like me and have clothes that no longer fit, this product is a better investment that spending on a new wardrobe. Buy this product and tell all your friends your new secret." —Paganni's Ghost

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $7.95.

    12. And on a similar note, bra extenders that'll add an extra 2 inches to your bra. If you wear a bra, you know just how rare it can be to find one you actually adore and we want to help you preserve your faves for as long as possible.

    Promising review: "Bought these for my pregnancy based on a tip from a recently pregnant friend. Total game-changer. Only had to buy a new sized bra once, and then used these for the rest of my pregnancy, as my cup size didn't change any more but omg my ribcage just kept on expanding and expanding to accommodate baby. IMO, these make wearing a regular bra possible during those body-changing portions of pregnancy, saving me money in the long run. Additionally, they work as expected...they clip onto the original spacers easily, they match up with the original hooks really well, and they are very comfortable and easy to use. Best $6 I've ever spent on Amazon. Buy them, you won't regret it." —Kiki

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.99 (available in 36 styles).

    13. A hard-water stain remover for cleaning stubborn messes and restoring a multitude of things to brand-new condition.

    a reviewer's shower door looking fogged up
    the same shower door now completely clean

    This helps eliminate hard water stains, rust, and limescale from things like shower doors, shower stalls, shower glass, windshields, windows, glass, barbecues, chrome, tile, toilets, granite, steel, fiberglass, pools, bath tubs, sinks, granite, marble, chrome, boats, autos, brass, stone, metals, porcelain, brass, alumnium, stainless steel, hard vinyl, and more!

    Promising review: "When we moved into our new place the shower doors looked like they had never been cleaned before. I tried at least 10 different products and methods to remove the hard water spots but nothing even made a dent. Bio Clean, however, was like a magic eraser! I scrubbed each door for about 10 minutes and it was incredible! I’ve never written a cleaning product review before but this one is worth every penny." —Shane B

    Get it from Amazon for $18.77.

    14. A stainless-steel odor-absorbing soap bar because garlic, onion, and fish may taste delicious in your meal, but their smell is pretty yucky, ESPECIALLY when lingering on your hands hours after cooking. 

    The soap bar-shaped stainless steel, with the text

    Promising review: "I always thought it was a hoax that a piece of steel could remove kitchen odors (like from chopping onions or garlic). I am happy to report that it totally works. Handle all the stinky food you want — even nonfood odors — and then wash your hands with this steel bar. No soap. No perfume. It just removes the odor nearly instantly. Little bar is reasonably priced as well. Best gadget I've bought in years." —Deb

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    15. Erase-A-Hole, a repair putty to help redeem your walls from holes and cracks in the drywall — whether it was put there by you, the resident that lived there before you, or the thumbtack that held up your favorite band poster, this stuff will save the day. 

    a guide on how to use the stick
    a reviewer before and after photo of a crack on their wall completely gone after using erase a hole

    Promising review: "I love this stuff! It’s super easy to use and it flawlessly removed anything from nail holes to larger drywall anchor holes. Bonus that my walls are white and I can even get away with not repainting if I do a clean job! I hope they never stop making this stuff." —bookworm

    Get it from Amazon for $10.95.

    16. A face mask that'll make foggy glasses and sunglasses a thing of the past. Being able to cover your mouth and nose AND see out of your glasses? Groundbreaking.

    various models wearing masks with glasses
    CONICOMasks / Etsy

    Type Of Fit: Adjustable ear loops

    Pocket For Filter: No

    Fabric Type: Double-layered — inner layer is 100% Japanese cotton and outer layer will either be polyester blend, linen, or satin 

    Shipping Time: Order should ship a day after purchasing 

    CONICOMasks is based in Sacramento, California and sells non-medical face masks.

    Promising review: "This is an amazing product! I was absolutely dreading another year in the classroom with face masks that fog up my glasses, but I can wear my glasses with this mask!" —Dionne Baroni

    Get it from CONICOMasks on Etsy for $11.99+ (available in various styles).

    17. Melamine cleaning sponges — extra thick, but gentle sponges ready to tackle all sorts of surfaces in and around your home. They're described as "magic" for a reason.

    before: dirty door
    after: clean door

    All you gotta do is wet and swipe!

    Promising review: "I own a cleaning business and have spent a small fortune on the name brand. I clean everything from condo rentals to long term lease/residential rentals and I have had to clean unimaginable NASTY, I mean 'pics or it didn't happen' kind of nasty and these cut right through it. They work just as well as the name brand, if not better, and they seem to last a little longer!" —Keisha Marie

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $9.95.

    18. A thaw claw that'll help thaw frozen meat up to seven times quicker — if only this product would've been around when I was in like...high school when my mom would ask me to take the chicken out of the freezer when I got home (which I almost always forgot to do until she got home from work, oops). 

    Closeup of the thaw claw showing the suction on the bottom side with the number one and the word attach in the top left corner
    View of The Claw in a sink that is being filled with water with a step two and the word fill in the top left corner
    Closeup of meat under the Thaw Claw in a sink with the number three and the world Thaw in the top left corner

    Promising review: "A package of frozen meat would have taken at least two days to thaw in the fridge. I used this for a 2-pound package a couple of days ago, and the meat was thawed within 90 minutes. One of the most practical kitchen gadgets I own." —Llda Schellhase

    Get it from Amazon for $13.95+ (available in four colors).

    19. A touch-up paint pen you simply fill with your paint color of choice and apply to any imperfections you're trying to cover up.

    a person filling the paint pet with red paint
    a person using the paint pen to apply white paint to a door

    Promising review: "Love this — absolutely perfect for touchin' up little spots that need touchin' up. I have several sets filled with different paints and so far they've stayed usable, without the paint drying out. I rinse the brush really well after each use (latex paints) and recap it. It would be nice if the manufacturer put an area on the pen where you could easily label the paint info, but I use a permanent marker, and it works okay." —Hooked on Amazon!

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    20. And this little bottle of paint touch-up so you can quickly fix chips, cracks, and stains on your walls without having to re-do the whole thing.

    a person using the white touch-up paint

    This paint is nontoxic, zero VOC, low-odor, and solvent-free, so if you're sensitive to chemical smells, this stuff is A-OK!! What makes this different than the one above? Great question! This bottle is already filled with paint so if it's a neutral color you're trying to cover up or you simply don't have the original jar of paint (or remember what the shade was called), this is great. Whereas the pen above is ideal for more specific paint colors and those who still have easy access to the paint color they need. 

    Promising review: "This product is excellent. It goes on easily and covers paint scraps very well. I used it on a door frame that had been chipped. Now the chip is practically unnoticeable. I asked for a sample of colors before buying and received a color chart promptly. I appreciate the customer-friendly attitude of this company." —Educator

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95 (available in 10 shades).

    21. Bed sheet fasteners to help ensure your sheets actually stay in place, no matter how all over the place you are in your sleep. These will also make it easier and quicker to make your bed in the morning!

    Loose sheets on a bed
    Same sheets spread tightly across mattress

    Promising review: "I have a pillow-top and pillow-bottom queen-sized bed that is a little too small for king sheets and with queen sheets I have battled to keep the sheets from popping off. I have tried everything! I was about to try to customize some king sheets because it was so frustrating. Then I saw this product advertised on Facebook in one of those posts about the amazing products that people love. So I figured it was worth a try. It works. I was shocked. My sheets have not popped off once. I ordered this in February and it is May now — and they have not popped off once! They used to pop off EVERY...SINGLE...NIGHT. To say this is life changing is not an exaggeration. Such a relief to be able to sleep through the night without ending up in rumpled sheets." —TinkerbellAPixie

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in three colors and two sizes).

    22. A cradle cap brush and comb for an easy and gentle way to remove stubborn cradle cap flakes from your little's one scalp. 

    A baby's head with dry scales on the left and the same baby's head looking smoother and flake-free on the right
    a reviewer photo of remnants of cradle cap on the comb

    Before you buy this though, make sure you talk to a pediatrician regarding signs and recommended treatments for cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis).

    Promising review: "It makes removal so much easier and gives more consistent removal than my previous method of washcloths or just scratching the cradle cap off with my fingernails. It’s amazing, gross, and wonderful. My babe doesn’t even flinch when I spend 10 minutes clearing his scalp of all the goo. It seems to be soothing to him. I just apply baby shampoo, then brush a little with the blue brush. Then I slowly start to comb in sections all in one direction. Then I go back and forth in multiple directions. It’s shocking the amount of dead skin that comes off. I’ve even used it successfully in his eyebrows (he gets some cradle cap there, too). This is a KEEPER!" —ZMomUtah

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    23. Angry Orange pet odor eliminator to help make your home smell fresh and clean. While pets are perfect in every way possible, their smell is sometimes... not. But don't worry! This stuff has you covered.

    Promising review: "PLEASE get this, especially if you’re a pet owner with multiple pets. Any pet smell is COMPLETELY GONE! This tiny bottle goes such a long way. I was able to clean my entire 1,450-square-foot apartment (including mopping and using my carpet cleaner) with not even three quarters of the bottle. My apartment smells AMAZING!!" —Anna E.

    Get it from Amazon for $23.97.

    24. Anti-slip silicone glasses sleeves for keeping your eyewear where it belongs — ya know, on your face — and NOT slipping and sliding down to the floor and risking getting broken AGAIN.

    The silicone glasses sleeves on glasses
    A person wearing glasses with the sleeves on them

    Promising review: "I was a little dubious about these, but my daughter's glasses were always falling off her face and to the floor, so if I could spend a couple of bucks to save her expensive glasses, it was worth a shot. In fact, because you get five pairs, I put a set on my glasses, and I'll be darned if they don't work really well. They add a little bit of bulk to your glasses so if you're extremely fashion-conscious, it's not like tape-on-the-bridge nerdy, but it's there. But if you're more concerned about having your glasses feel like they're going to stay put on your head, then you'll like these. They aren't too thick so you don't really notice them on your ears. In fact, because of the soft silicone, they actually result in less of the occasional soreness I would get from my glasses on my ears sometimes." —Domenico Bettinelli

    Get a pack of five pairs (10 total) from Amazon for $6.99 (available in three colors).

    25. A makeup remover eraser stick you'll be so grateful you have around on those mornings when your eyeliner just won't cooperate, you seemingly forgot how to apply lipstick, and your body decides to produce a sneeze right after you've finished putting on mascara. 

    Model using the stick to correct eyeliner

    Promising review: "Why didn’t someone think of this sooner? For years, I’ve been using Q-tips dipped in makeup remover to remove little goofs or mistakes. This is so much better and portable! Erases waterproof mascara marks around my eyes easily. Must-buy product!!" —Katherine

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97

    26. A bag you simply pour leftover grease in so you can safely get rid of it rather than run the risk of damaging your drain. Plus, these bags are compostable so not only will you be saving yourself the cost of a plumber, you'll also be doing your part to make the world a little greener. 

    The inventor pouring grease from a pan into one of the tall bags
    The bag next to a pan of frying food
    Grease Bags

    Grease Bags is a Black woman-owned small business. 

    Get it from Grease Bags for $13.99.

    27. And if the thought of dealing with hot oil makes you nervous (same), then try this oil solidifier power. You simply sprinkle some of this over hot oil (do it dramatically like you're a fairy godmother and it's magical dust), let it solidify, and then get rid of the oil once it's solid and way less scary. No need to worry about hot oil burning, spilling, or staining. 

    hand sprinkling white flakes into a pot of oil
    Hand scooping a large block of hardened grease into the trash

    Plus!!!! This product is made from 100% plant-derived fats, so you'll feel good about it!

    Promising review: "Honestly I didn’t know if this would work, waiting for it to cool down made me nervous, but once it was at room temperature it was solid. It popped out of the fryer so nicely. Worth every penny." —Emma

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three sizes).

    28. A wood polish and conditioner to help restore your wooden furniture back to factory condition. Everyone is gonna think an HGTV crew replaced all of your old wooden furniture. 

    reviewer photo of wooden furniture looking dirty and scratched up
    the same wooden furniture now looking brand new after using the wood polish and conditioner

    The formula gives your wooden furniture a protective, soft luster coating thanks to Carnauba wax and beeswax. It also prevents it from drying and fading. It's good for use on antiques, dining tables, kitchen cabinets, wood doors, trim, and more.

    Promising review: "This stuff is absolutely AMAZING. My wife and I were getting tired of looking at our worn out cabinets and wood paneling and were very close to paying a professional thousands of dollars to refinish it all, but then we came across this product. Our paneling and cabinets were looking rough. We have two dogs that jumped up and scratched places, we also had an area that was damaged by water spots where our dog bowls were, and several other areas that were just worn from heavy traffic. This stuff was like a magic eraser for water spots, scratches, scuffs, and any other blemish. We simply wiped the product on with a paper towel and let it sit for 20 minutes before wiping it off with a clean towel. Everything looks brand new. I'm buying a couple more so we can finish our cabinets and wood paneling. We're so glad we found this product." —Kris

    Get it from Amazon for $8.19.

    29. A high-quality Always Pan for cooking up your favorite foods and then cleaning everything up afterwards with ease.

    buzzfeed editor maitland quitmeyer showing perfectly golden brown from scratch pancakes made in her always pan
    maitland making chicken pot pie in the alway pan and demonstrating that nothing ever sticks to it
    Maitland Quitmeyer / BuzzFeed

    This features a nontoxic, nonstick ceramic coating. Plus, it's dishwasher-safe!

    If you were to ask me, someone who LOVES cooking, but is super messy and anxious about eating undercooked meat to the point I have ruined pans numerous times in the past if I would spend over $100 on a single piece of cookware, I wouldn't have taken you seriously. However, if you were to ask me now, a few months into being the owner of a beautiful yellow Always Pan, I'd tell you without hesitancy that I would buy this pan over and over again. 

    I'm not sure what kind of magical fairy dust this pan is crafted with, but when I tell you nothing sticks to this pan I truly mean NOTHING sticks to this pan. I genuinely think that every pan that is marketed as a non-stick pan should take several notes from Our Place because THIS is how you make a non-stick pan, my friends. Overcooked chicken, melty cheese, saucy messes, and more are no match for this baby, which also means clean up is truly a breeze. A sponge, a little dish soap, and some warm water will get this pan clean in less than a minute — no soaking in the sink required. Please do yourself a favor and splurge on this one. I promise you, it is SO worth it. 

    Get it from Our Place for $145 (available in six colors).

    Read our review of the Always Pan.

    30. The Laundress crease release spray so you can say adios to wrinkles in your clothing — no iron or steamer required. This is especially great for time-crunch moments, travel, or for when you feel extra lazy. 

    wrinkled dress next to the spray
    the dress much less wrinkled
    Stephanie Hope / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I'm 28, and I never actually learned how to use an iron. I mean I *get* how to do it, but have never owned one or done it myself. However, that doesn't mean that I walk around with wrinkled clothes! I own a personal steamer that I absolutely love, but when I'm feeling ~extra~ lazy or just running out of time, I have a secret weapon: the Laundress Crease Release spray. Hang your piece of clothing on a hanger or, if you're like me, just place it flat on your bed. Now you can either spritz all over *or* only on the wrinkled spots. Finally, give it a few gentle tugs to help smooth out the clothing and relax the fibers. And just like that, your shirt is looking way crisper and ready to be worn out! It's so simple to use, and it smells SO good! Sometimes I'll even just spray it on myself while I'm wearing the clothing! I find it so perfect for traveling, because I swear I have the Wrinkled Clothing Curse. Seriously, friends, this spray will save you time from ironing when you have simple little creases that don't require a whole ironing board to remove." —Stephanie Hope, BuzzFeed Editor 

    Check out the rest of Stephanie's Laundress Crease Release review here.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.

    31. A Hydro Flask car cup holder adapter my fellow Flask owners will want to add to their cart ASAP. That insulated bottle can do it all — it can keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold, but it can't fit into your car's cup holder!!! Well, thanks to this genius product, now it can. 

    gif of a water bottle not fitting in the normal cup holder but then fitting perfectly in the adaptor that's in the cup holder above it
    Wine and Whiskey Co / Etsy

    Wine and Whiskey Co is a small business based in Texas that sells phone cases, clothing, and car accessories.

    Promising review: "I had to remove the foam wrap that was on it for it to fit in my cup holder, but now it works perfectly. No more having my water bottle in the seat next to me, rolling on the floor, or spilling 'cause I forgot to close it! Yay!" —sprocketnellie

    Get it from Wine and Whiskey Co on Etsy for $12.99.

    32. Earbud cleaning putty because in-between your millionth audiobook listen of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and crying along to your zillionth stream of the 10 minute version of "All Too Well," you should give your headphones a much-needed clean from earwax and dust. 

    Promising review: "They work as advertised. I use them for my AirPods, iPhone, and iPad Pro." —Lydia Kimble-Wright

    Get 24 from Amazon for $16.99.

    33. And as long as we're talking about things for your headphones, these ear hooks are a must-have for anyone who relates to the struggle that is their wireless earbuds constantly trying to plan their escape. They belong in your ear, not on the subway tracks. 

    reviewer wears the white AirPod hooks over ears while wearing AirPods to gym
    the white AirPod hooks around base of white AirPods

    Promising review: "Overall works great. I do about 30 mins of running each day and after I started sweating, my AirPods would start slipping out and I'd have to adjust them back into my ears constantly. This product works great and holds them in. They won't stay super tight in your ear necessarily, but they only move out a little over time. The difference for me was adjusting once during my workout instead of every two minutes while running. Highly recommend if you're looking to keep your AirPods in your ears during workouts." —ChrisW

    Get a pair from Amazon for $10.49.

    34. Compound W One Step Pads for applying to plantar warts — they essentially just look like bandages, but really they're working hard to remove those stubborn little guys.

    a reviewer showing a wart on their thumb
    the same reviewer showing the wart practically gone after using the pads

    Promising review: "This worked for me. Here's what happened. First bandage: Everything turned white. Second bandage: The top layer of the wart started disappearing and I could see the blood vessels that were inside it clearly. Third bandage: It started burning while wearing it. One day was REALLY painful, but now I think I just put the bandage on too tight. There was definitely burning though. Uncomfortable, not unbearable. Fourth bandage: The skin around the wart started to crack. Fifth bandage: The skin continued to crack and I could see the wart separating. Sixth bandage: Skin separating deeper. Wart was really soft but it wouldn't budge. Seventh bandage: The wart stuck to the medicine, so when I pulled off the bandage, the wart went with it. I'm left with some raw skin that's a bit sensitive but it feels fine. It looks like the entire wart came off, roots and all. Side note: It smells horribly. Make sure you put the bandage on tight enough to try and conceal the smell, but not so tight it hurts. Overall, not a horrible process. Make sure you follow the instructions and keep it on for 48 hours at a time. Two of mine were only on for 24 hours and I think that prolonged the process." —Chelsea Gipson

    Get a pack of 14 from Amazon for $6.96.

    35. Deodorant remover sponges because let's face it, nothing sets a negative tone for the day quite like not being able to wear the outfit you want thanks to white stains on it. I mean really, why are we being punished for trying to keep our pits fresh? Just give the stains a few swipes with a sponge and be on your merry way. 

    reviewer photo of deodorant stain on a sweater
    the same reviewer's sweater now free of the stain after using the sponges
    reviewer photo of two round pink deodorant sponges

    And then I always try to get it off with a Kleenex, then I get little fibers all over. No, these sponges are a far smarter bet.

    Promising review: "I'm not really sure what else to say about this besides that it works! I change clothes frequently so this product is a godsend. Gets the deodorant stains right out!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.81.

    36. A down comforter you NEED to buy if you and your partner are opposites when it comes to your preferred nighttime temperature. Now you can actually share the blanket instead of playing tug-of-war. 

    The duvet showing one half is warm and the other is cool

    Promising review: "This comforter is what we’ve always needed. My husband and I are always tangled in blankets because I need more but yet they always end up on his side. This comforter provides an all-in-one solution that keeps me warm and him cool and our bedroom looking calm and zen." —Hannah

    Get it from Amazon for $119.99+ (available in two sizes and four colors).

    37. Wine drops for adding to your fave glass of vino so you can prevent the dreaded wine headache that follows. 

    BuzzFeed editor putting drops into glass of red wine
    The drop it bottle in editor's hand
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I became really sensitive to wine in my 30s and through a lot of trial and painful error, I thought I might have to give up on wine altogether. Then I found out about the preservatives being a possible cause and decided to give this product a shot. So glad I did!! I'm still pretty sensitive to reds but this helps tremendously so that I can have a glass with dinner without a headache immediately settling in. Whites cause me no problem what so ever! I love that it takes so little product to make a difference to a whole bottle. Just a few drops, a few minutes and we are good to go." —CastawayIrons

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    38. And on the subject of wine, a red wine stain remover you'll want to buy immediately if the only thing you're better at than downing an entire bottle of your favorite red at the end of the day is managing to spill it.

    reviewer photo showing a rug with a big red wine spill on it
    the same reviewer showing the same rug now looking as good as new after using the stain-removing spray

    Promising review: "I thought the world had ended!! RED WINE SPILLED ON AN ORIENTAL CARPET!!! The cream fringe took the brunt of the spill. The first thing I did was put white wine on it...after all isn’t that what you have heard and read? That white wine will remove red wine from whatever. Didn’t work for me. Rush to Amazon...what to do...what to do? I found several products that sounded promising. I read the reviews. So glad that this is what I chose! Worked like a dream. When it arrived the stain had been set for four days, and following the directions on the bottle, the stain instantly started to disappear. My cream-colored fringe was back. Amazing!!! My carpet is back to its beautiful self. Am I happy? So happy words can’t convey." —Pat

    Get a four-ounce bottle from Amazon for $7.95.

    39. A dog spot repair solution made from a combo of mulch, seed, and soil amendment that'll help repair damage (AKA digging holes and waste) on your lawn caused by your furry monster friends. You deserve to have a house surrounded by green grass and not patches of dirt.

    Promising review: "I have lacrosse players and dogs and this stuff is amazing. My yard looked like an abandoned lot before this and it literally 'grew anywhere' just like it said. The bag I planted last year actually came back strong this year so I put more down and it is working like a dream!" —chchmom

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in five sizes).

    40. A sweater stone pill remover to help you get rid of unwanted fuzzies by lightly gliding over them. Ta da! Now your favorite old sweatshirt looks good as new! 

    Maitland's worn pullover with the text
    the stone on top of the smooth-looking sweatshirt, with the text
    BuzzFeed / Maitland Quitmeyer

    Celsious is a Black woman-owned small business based in Brooklyn, New York that sells all sorts of great laundry products. They also operate a laundromat in Williamsburg featuring hypoallergenic and natural laundry products and energy-efficient washers and dryers.

    Promising review: "Like many of you, I've been living in sweats and PJs during this almost-year of WFH full time. And it's made me revisit the state of some of my loungewear. Take for example, this college sweatshirt I wear all the time — as evidenced by the rather EXTENSIVE pilling all over it. So when I saw this pumice-esque sweater stone (it's made from upcycled car windshield glass — how cool is that?!), I decided it was worth the try. We've featured electric pill removers (mostly the fan-favorite Conair one) many times, and they really work. But sometimes you're looking for a little more detail or control — that's where this stone comes in handy. I was able to navigate around the contours of the logo on my sweatshirt with ease, removing pills using the corner or the entire flat bottom in a few quick strokes. It truly took no time at all — the sweatshirt was done in mere minutes. The only thing I would note is that particles do 'fall out' of the stone, so do your pill-removing on a surface that's easy to sweep or vacuum up at the end." —Maitland Quitmeyer, BuzzFeed Editor

    Get it from Celsious for $17.

    41. Sweat-absorbing bra liners for those who get as sweaty during their morning commute as they would have if they went to the gym before work — we get the struggle and we're here to help.

    Model wearing the beige liner
    Before and after showing a chest with under-boob sweat

    Promising review: "I am a sweat-er and therefore it's very uncomfortable to sweat under your bra and then be wet. I am so happy with this product. No more being wet and having embarrassing sweat marks." —Lola

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in two colors).

    42. Light-dimming stickers, because while you obviously adore your technology, you don't necessarily love the LED lights that radiate from it and keep you awake at night.

    These dim 50–80% of light! They're super easy to use. All you have to do is just peel and stick, and they don't leave any sticky residue, so you can remove any time you need with ease. Plus, they can always be cut or adjusted to your preferences/needs. They also make black-out dimming sheets and you can get them right here.

    Promising review: "This is the best thing you never knew you needed. I own a digital clock with the numbers displayed in red LED light, and every night I've blocked the light with a cover so it doesn't shine in my eyes as I sleep. Silly I know, but I like my room pitch black and cave-like. On a whim I bought this product. OH MY GOD! Game changer!! For the first night EVER I didn't have to cover the clock display before I went to bed!! I had no idea how big a difference this little dimmer could make, but I'm more than pleased with the result. I can still see the time display just fine, but now my room is a happy cave! Some commenters argue you could get the same effect using electrical tape but this product is easy to remove and doesn't leave a sticky residue at all, which can't be said for most tapes. I did notice a slight lag in response when I covered my TV LED sensor, so if you're trying to block something that actually senses inputs I would maybe not suggest this. Other than that, excellent product!" —Logan M

    Get a pack of 100 from Amazon for $4.89.

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