We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    42 Products So Genius, They’ll Make You Feel Like You Have An Advanced Degree In Smart Shopping

    A cup that allows you to have two beverages on hand at all times is about as smart as it gets, people.

    1. heatless curling rod so you can achieve easy, breezy curls all without having to turn on hot styling tools.

    reviewer showing the cheetah print headband on their head with hair wrapped around it
    the same reviewer showing their curly hair after taking the headband off

    Each set comes with a curling rod, two hair scrunchies, a claw hair clip, and two duckbill hair clips to set it in place. These are designed to work with all hair types, but work best if you roll them with damp hair! 

    Promising review: "Before purchasing, I’d seen a lot of reviews and tutorials on TikTok showing the results. My hair is thick, coarse, and naturally wavy, so I figured this might be a good alternative to rollers that are time-consuming to put in, difficult to sleep in, and ultimately not worth it. And MAN was I right to be hopeful. Wrap pieces of damp hair around it before bed, the tighter the wrap, the tighter the curl. Easy to sleep in since there’s nothing on the back of your head, and my curls are BOUNCY the next morning. My only complaint is that it doesn’t help give any top-volume, but nothing some teasing can’t fix. 10/10. I’ll never go back to a curling iron." —Mariah

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in five colors). 

    2. microwave pasta maker for a super easy way to enjoy a big bowl o' carbs after a long day. No stove, no stress!

    A reviewer photo of uncooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker
    A photo from the same reviewer of cooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker

    It yields up to four servings at a time, and is top-rack dishwasher safe. Check out our Fasta Pasta microwave pasta cooker review!

    Promising reviews: "This little thing is great. I wish I'd bought it sooner. It's a very simple container with draining and measuring holes (for long pasta) in the lid. The container itself isn't anything special. Honestly, the part that makes it REALLY worth buying is the little instruction card. It accurately shows you how long to cook many different kinds of pasta, how much water to add, etc. It takes out all the guesswork, which saves SO much time. Every kind of pasta I've tried so far has come out perfectly al dente by strictly following the instructions." —T. B. H.

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    3. A handy little car seat key that'll make unbuckling your little one's car seat a piece of cake. The brand boasts this is especially useful for those with acrylic nails, carpal tunnel, or arthritis, but those buckles can just be finicky sometimes so you may wanna keep this in your bag regardless!

    reviewer holding the car seat key in black
    reviewer showing how the car seat key works to help unbuckle a car seat if you have long nails

    Promising review: "After I had my first child almost a year ago, I stopped getting acrylic nails because I couldn't get him out of his car seat without struggling or breaking a nail. I’d have to get them as an overlay or extra short. But I saw this product on TikTok and had to try it out and omg!! It works! It took me a while to figure out the best angle to get him out with it but once I did I went to the nail shop expeditiously!! Lol If you’ve been thinking about this for a while, GET IT! It’s worth it!" —Tora318

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in six colors). 

    4. pill tracker for attaching to any pill bottle or packets you may be taking so you can accurately keep track of your daily dosage. No more frantically trying to remember every single move you made that day or panicking because you forgot to set a reminder on your phone. 

    Take-n-Slide is a small biz that makes these helpful medication trackers and reminders.

    Promising review: "I love this thing! Kept forgetting to take the one medication I had mid-day. Now I can look at the bottle and know for sure whether or not I took it. I just refill the bottle with this on it so I can reuse until it breaks. It’s working great so far!" —MarciNish

    Get a pack of five from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two colors).

    5. dryer vent cleaning kit because be honest, when's the last time you checked and cleaned out all the lint accumulating in your machine? Don't worry, we're not here to judge; we're just here recommending that you buy this kit so your dryer can run more efficiently. 

    reviewer using hose and sticking into dryer vent
    different reviewer image of garbage bag filled 3/4th full with lint

    Promising review: "Honestly, we are speechless! We are excellent about cleaning the lint trap after every load of clothes. We even clean the lint vent outside. But nothing could have prepared us for the amount of lint and gunk trapped in the vent tubing! How we have never had a fire, we have no idea. We vacuumed forever all the way up the vent tube, which we could have in no way done without this item. The suction power was unbelievable! We could not believe how bad the tubing was clogged. Just look at the picture. We removed about 3/4 of a kitchen garbage bag size of lint and gunk! It was amazing and embarrassing! It’s SO inexpensive, but it could literally save you from a house fire! Anyway, just buy it. Excellent value! You won’t be sorry!" —Brian Mattix/Elizabeth Bodnam

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in three colors).

    6. bottle/jar opener to make quick work of unsealing sauces, jams, beverages, and so much more. The best part is it goes underneath your cabinets so it won't take up valuable kitchen space AND might even add an element of mystery as your guests watch you effortlessly pop off the tops of jars and bottles. 

    Read our full EZ Off jar opener deep dive.

    Promising review: "Once in a while you stumble on a product that is better than advertised. This is one of them. Having arthritis in my hands, I struggle to open some large jars. This works like a charm and makes it a one-handed operation. Following the advice of another reviewer, we mounted it ‘backward’ so the point of the V is towards the front of the cupboard rather than the back. This allows us to pull the jar towards us, rather than pushing it away. It also means we can’t see the metal teeth from our sofa. Now I want to open every jar in the house. :-)" —Eric K.

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    7. An auto shut-off outlet — simply plug it into an outlet, use the button to control how many hours before it automatically turns off after using, and uh yeah, it's literally THAT easy to give yourself some peace of mind.

    a flat iron plugged into the outlet
    a lamp plugged into the outlet

    Features a push button so you can set the hours for eight, four, two, one, or hold.

    Promising review: "I'm very pleased with this. I use it mainly for at-home hair styling. I often like to leave my styling wand on for last-minute touch ups before leaving early in the morning but, in haste, I often get on the freeway and worry that I forgot to unplug it. No more worries with this attached to the plug. I wish I'd gotten it sooner." —JDubya

    Get it from Amazon for $11.79.

    8. magnetic laundry pad to instantly transform the top of your washer/dryer into an ironing board. If you're someone who is lucky enough to live in an apartment with in-unit laundry but you're tight on space everywhere else, this thing is a MUST. 

    Promising review: "If you're like me and living in a space that doesn't have a ton of room let alone space for a big old ironing board, this is the perfect solution. This mat easily sticks with the magnets to the top of the dryer. It's a great space-saving solution. If you're looking to minimize, this is what you want!" —JD

    Get it from Amazon for $13.87+ (available in two sizes).

    9. Wet & Forget, a super simple cleaner you just spray in your shower/tub once a week. The best part? You don't have to scrub...like...at all. Just rinse it the next day and you're good to go. I know, I know, I'm crying tears of joy, too. 

    reviewer showing their shower floor before using the product
    reviewer showing how clean the shower floor is after using the product three times

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and after reading dozens of comments and reviews I purchased it. WOW! One use and our 1984 bathtub is looking at least as good as a 1997 bathtub! Can’t wait to do round two and bring it into this century. Very easy to use. I have tried everything including but not limited to steel wool and bleach. Sprayed this, let it set, and wiped it out with a Magic Eraser and could not believe my eyes." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two scents).

    10. A citrus-scented urine remover, because in a perfect world, our pets would do their business where we trained them to, but sometimes accidents happen. Now you can clean it away fuss-free, and enjoy a fresh scent, too!

    A reviewer's carpet darkened from a urine stain
    The same reviewer's carpet now completely clear of the stain

    Promising review: "This product is amazing!!!! We have a Rottweiler pup and a Bichon pup and our house was feeling the PAIN! I tried everything and use to tell my wife, 'with all the science and technology in the world we still can’t come up with something that gets rid of the dog mark smell!' This product does everything and more. Just ordered another round. We were about to throw away some furniture due to the smell and now after use we can keep it. Saved me hundreds. Well worth the money." —clayton s tonkin

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    11. Wad-Free, a truly wonderful creation that'll stop bed sheets from getting all tangled and twisted in the washer and dryer. In turn, this will help ensure that your sheets, and the other items that frequently get caught in them, come out cleaner. I don't know about you, but I'm all too familiar with finding a soaking wet sock or shirt caught in the crevices of my bed sheets and having to put them back in the dryer and it's SO.VERY.ANNOYING!

    If you watch Shark Tank, then this product may look familiar to you! Kevin and Lori both made offers, but the founder picked Mr. Wonderful. These are reusable and BPA-free! Wad-Free is a woman-owned small biz!

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine for forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    12. pet hair remover you simply swipe over surfaces covered in hair from your furry bestie. It saves more time (and is a heck of a lot easier) than fussing around with a vacuum and lint rollers!

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this, and it is money well spent!! I’m convinced that my beagle sheds a full coat of hair and regrows it daily! I use this on my bed every single day and it blows my mind how well it works. Before this I was going through 4–5 disposable sticky rollers a month and spending 3x longer to remove dog hair. I am buying these for everyone in my family as Christmas gifts this year! ❤️" —tiff4short

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in three colors). 

    13. A pair of stove gaps so you can finally put an end to the annoyance that is grains of rice, tiny produce seeds, and other crumbs falling into the space between your oven and your countertops. It's too small of a space to vacuum things that do fall there, but somehow plenty big enough for them to fall there in the first place. UGH!

    Promising review: "I've been using these for about a week on my new freestanding range. When they removed my old range, I was really surprised to see how much stuff had slipped through! Now when I cook, I can see the splatters and seasonings left on the silicone that would have fallen between the stove and the counter. These gap fillers really do clean up easily, too. Although they are that extra thing to clean, I prefer that to knowing there's a mess hiding in the cracks." —JMom

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three sizes and three colors).

    14. A fan-favorite blender to help you whip up all the yummy smoothies, milkshakes, soups, or anything else your heart desires in a pinch. Plus, it's just about the most ~aesthetic~ blender ever. 

    the blender in white on a counter
    model using the blender

    Check out my colleague's review of the amazing Beast Blender!

    Promising review: "Completely blends my frozen fruit smoothie without any chunks or hunks of fruit peel. Love it! It's very user-friendly and not as loud as other blenders." —Bobbie T.

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $140.25 (originally $165; available in three colors).

    15. moisture meter that makes it super simple to tell when your flora bbs (both indoors and outdoors) are in need of a drink! 

    A reviewer's plant with the meter inside, showing it is slightly over watered
    My own snake plant with the meter in the center, showing it is slightly under watered
    www.amazon.com, Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "This item is great. I can check how wet my plants are down where the roots are. So no more over watering! It is very accurate. This works great!!" —Terri Carlson

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97+ (available in three colors).

    16. clear toy blocker because any pet parent knows their four-legged friend seems to really enjoy playing with their tiniest toys in the places where they're most likely to get stuck and hide away...forever. Sorry, Fido, but your Kong toy does not belong underneath the sofa.

    Promising review: "A must-have for ALL pet owners. This contraption is genius and will save cat (and dog) owners so much time and frustration retrieving toys. We used this beneath our oven and it works PERFECTLY. Cat can't destroy it (the way she shredded the foam insulation we had stuffed under there before) and we no longer have to get the yardstick out when literally all of her toys are 'gone.' Yes, this is a challenge to install, but 100% worth it. I'd buy it again in a heartbeat." —Allison Goldstein

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98+ (available in three sizes).

    17. blackhead remover you simply glide over your face to help scrub away sebum, blackheads, whiteheads, and other skin impurities. The little octopus is so cute, you may wanna buy it for that reason alone.

    reviewer holding the blackhead remover
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising reviews: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    18. A pair of horizontal glasses to make watching TV, WFH, reading a book, or simply scrolling TikTok and laying down at the same time a neck strain–free experience. These are also especially helpful for anyone who might be on bed rest for medical conditions and could use a simpler way to enjoy their favorite forms of entertainment. 

    reviewer image of the glasses
    reviewer using the glasses, showing how it doesn't strain your neck

    These glasses are great for everyone, but especially for people who are bedridden.

    Promising review: "I didn't know what I was missing until I used this. My life is now complete. If you enjoy comfort and lazy binge-watching but don't care how ridiculous you look wearing these, then you have found Nirvana. My glasses fit in these just fine. Takes a minute to get used to, then it becomes your reason to live. Expect people to laugh at you, but forgive them for they know not what they are missing." —Michael Boyd

    Get them from Amazon for $12.58.

    19. A reusable oil-absorbing face roller that'll be a lifesaver for anyone who tends to get extra oily no matter the temperature outside. Just glide it over your face, it's THAT easy. 

    Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller
    Reviewer using Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller

    Promising review: "First off, if you have extremely oily skin, this. is. it. I was so tired of getting blotting powder/wipes. It felt wasteful and always left residue on my face. I saw this on TikTok and NEEDED it. It was back ordered, but then I got an email saying it was in stock, and I was SO excited. Not only is it affordable, but it's washable, which helps you save money and be less wasteful. The packaging wasn't over the top exciting, but it provided you all the info you needed. (It felt like the holy grail had been delivered to my front doorstep.) After my first use, I was in love. Now, it doesn't pick up everything, but it does make it more matte and gives you a natural look. I am so excited this product exists and I already feel more confident." —Kelsey B.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.14.

    20. Bed sheet fasteners so you can ensure your sheets actually stay in place, no matter how all over the place you are in your sleep. These will also make it easier and quicker to make your bed in the morning!

    The underside of a mattress with a fitted sheet being held on by a bed band

    Bed Band is a small biz that sells these genius bands for your mattress! 

    Promising review: "I have a pillow-top and pillow-bottom queen-sized bed that is a little too small for king sheets, and with queen sheets, I have battled to keep the sheets from popping off. I have tried everything! I was about to try to customize some king sheets because it was so frustrating. Then I saw this. It works. I was shocked. My sheets have not popped off once. I ordered this in February and it is May now — and they have not popped off once! They used to pop off EVERY...SINGLE...NIGHT. To say this is life-changing is not an exaggeration. Such a relief to be able to sleep through the night without ending up in rumpled sheets." —TinkerbellAPixie

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in two lengths and three colors).

    21. SockDock because you probably have a very hungry washer/dryer that makes a meal out of your socks. Somehow, one sock always seems to go missing every time you do laundry! This handy tool will hold onto your socks, so you no longer have an excuse to wear mismatching socks and call it a "trend."

    Promising review: "For the last six years, I have lost literally dozens of socks. No one would fess up to having them stuffed in their drawers or crammed underneath their beds. So, it must be the sock gnomes or if you are familiar with Family Guy. I have been using the SockDock for about a month, I've washed about three or four loads and guess what, not one sock lost. It does take some commitment to load soiled socks on the tree, but it's worth the effort. They come out of the wash, and you just hang them up and pull fresh ones off. I highly recommend if you can commit yourself to the process." —S. Peterson

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in five colors).

    22. silicone tray so genius you'll wonder how you lasted so long without this in your kitchen. (Reviewers swear by for freezing individual servings of soup!) Come home and spend time making dinner or quickly heat up a cube and enjoy a comforting bowl of goodness? Option two, please.

    Souper Cubes is a small biz that sells bake-and-freeze kitchen products.

    Promising review: "LOVE LOVE LOVE. My freezer is so much more organized now. Gone are the days of having to defrost an entire bag of chicken broth for one cup for a recipe. I now have perfectly portioned 1/2-cup and 1-cup blocks ready to go. They fit easily in freezer bags, take up less space, and make me incredibly happy. There was a lot of attention to detail put into the design and I particularly appreciate the wire inside the rim that holds everything steady — no more worrying about spilling all the liquid on the way to the freezer. Just a fantastic product all around. I purchased this and a cheaper version from another manufacturer at the same time but returned the other product. This one is definitely worth the added cost." —Kate

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in two colors).

    23. BluApple produce fresheners that may extend the life of your precious fruits and veggies 2–3 times longer. All you need to do is toss 'em into the produce drawer in the fridge and let them work their magic.

    a half a head of lettuce looking wilted and sad and then a fresh one, showing how the Bluapple keeps it fresh
    hand holding the small blue apple-shaped extender in front of a fridge drawer

    Promising review: "I'm so happy with my purchase because these keep my produce fresher for much longer than normal. Nothing is worse than buying red bell peppers at the store and having them start wilting after four days. These should be in everyone's fridges!" —jhDub

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    24. migraine stick to help potentially alleviate some of the pain of a migraine attack. It can be difficult to accomplish anything when a migraine attack hits, and there just aren't enough hours in the day to waste them on nursing yourself back to a fully functioning human when you get one.

    BuzzFeed editor applying the stick to the back of her neck and her forehead
    Katy Herman / BuzzFeed

    Read more about aromatherapy and stress and tension at Johns Hopkins.

    My colleague tested and loved this — check out her full Migrastil Migraine Stick review to learn more.

    Promising review: "We love! I’m in the process of studying for my bar exam, and needless to say, I’ve had numerous stress headaches. I WISH I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT THIS SOONER. It’ll be perfect for testing day once I take the label off, just a quick roll on, and I’m able to focus. But as of now, I keep it in my pencil bag, and I use it when necessary." —Purchaser

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    25. sweater stone pill remover for getting rid of unwanted fuzzies by lightly gliding over them. Ta-da! Now your favorite old sweatshirt looks good as new! 

    my fave old sweatshirt that's covered in pills
    the same sweatshirt five minutes later, with all the pills gone, with the stone resting on top of it
    Maitland Quitmeyer/ BuzzFeed

    Celsious is a Black woman-owned small business based in Brooklyn, New York that sells all sorts of great laundry products. They also operate a laundromat in Williamsburg featuring hypoallergenic and natural laundry products and energy-efficient washers and dryers.

    BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer loves hers: "Like many of you, I've been living in sweats and PJs during this almost-year of WFH full time. And it's made me revisit the state of some of my loungewear. Take for example, this college sweatshirt I wear all the time — as evidenced by the rather EXTENSIVE pilling all over it. So when I saw this pumice-esque sweater stone (it's made from upcycled car windshield glass — how cool is that?!), I decided it was worth the try. I was able to navigate around the contours of the logo on my sweatshirt with ease, removing pills using the corner or the entire flat bottom in a few quick strokes. It truly took no time at all — the sweatshirt was done in mere minutes. The only thing I would note is that particles do 'fall out' of the stone, so do your pill-removing on a surface that's easy to sweep or vacuum up at the end."

    Get it from Celsious for $10.

    26. clip-on colander that'll make draining the liquid from the pot and pan incredibly easy and preparing dinner a lot less messy.

    reviewer pic of the strainer attached to a pot draining water out of pasta
    Gif of using the colander to strain water out of a pot it's attached to

    Designed to fit almost all round pots, pans, and bowls! It's compact and easy-to-store. Plus, it's BPA-free, FDA-approved, made of top-quality silicone, and dishwasher-safe!

    Promising review: "Love, love, love this pasta strainer!!! My husband and I hate cleaning out the strainer, so I ordered this to make life easier. OMG, does it make life easier!!! If this ever breaks, I’ll be ordering another! It’s very sturdy and easy to use. Absolutely love it!" —Freyja

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in five colors). 

    27. An oil solidifier powder you simply sprinkle over hot oil (do it dramatically like you're a fairy godmother and it's magic dust), let solidify, and then safely get rid of the now-hardened leftover oil in the pot/pan. 

    A customer review photo of the pack of Fry Away for pan frying
    gif of reviewer using a spoon to remove the oil from a pan

    This product is made from 100% plant-derived fats. FryAway is a woman-owned small biz that makes this super smart cooking oil solidifier!

    Promising review: "Quite impressive. After making some fries, we added a packet to the hot oil and stirred a few times. Maybe 10 minutes later, we checked the pan, and the oil had solidified. Using a wood spoon, we easily removed the solid and put it in the trash. I will always make sure to keep a pack of FryAway in our pantry. Highly recommended." —Ryan O.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three sizes).

    28. thaw claw that'll help thaw frozen meat up to seven times quicker. If only this product was around when I was in like...high school when my mom would ask me to take the chicken out of the freezer when I got home (which I almost always forgot to do until she got home from work, oops). 

    Closeup of the thaw claw showing the suction on the bottom side with the number one and the word attach in the top left corner
    View of The Claw in a sink that is being filled with water with a step two and the word fill in the top left corner
    Closeup of meat under the Thaw Claw in a sink with the number three and the world Thaw in the top left corner

    Thaw Claw is a Black-owned small biz!

    Promising review: "A package of frozen meat would have taken at least two days to thaw in the fridge. I used this for a 2-pound package a couple of days ago, and the meat was thawed within 90 minutes. One of the most practical kitchen gadgets I own." —Llda Schellhase

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in four colors).

    29. condiment fork perfect for attaching to the side of the pickle jar, so you can enjoy your crunchy, salty snack without dipping your hand in a pickle juice bath beforehand.

    The pickle fork in a silcone utensil holder wrapped around a pickle jar lid
    A reviewer using the three pronged fork to stab a pickle

    This is top-rack dishwasher-safe!

    Promising review: "Great kitchen item. Forks are great to get pickles out of the jar, but if you have kids/lazy people (lol) you know that dirty hands are going into that jar. 😉 This has really prevented that from happening. It comes with two different rings to fit whatever size jar, a stabber holder, and a stabbing stick." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    30. bacon sponge that'll serve as a greener and more efficient way to absorb excess grease from your favorite brekkie food. This can absorb grease 20 times faster than other types of fabrics/materials. Plus, it's reusable and compostable. 

    a pile of freshly cooked bacon on top of the bacon sponge
    Amazon Handmade

    Green City Living is a woman-owned small biz based in Denver, Colorado. 

    Promising review: "This is great. I don’t like using loads of paper towels in draining meat, but I didn’t know what else to use. The bacon sponge is absorbent and easy to clean. It performs as advertised and makes me feel better about eliminating another source of waste." —PamelaRenee

    Get it from Green City Living from Amazon Handmade for $14.99.

    31. two-sided cup for all of my fellow beverage lovers out there — you know you need one drink for hydration and one drink for fun and now you can do just that on the go. 

    reviewer holding the creative water cup, which is filled with iced coffee on one side and water on the other
    gif of reviewer turning the creative water cup filled with two beverages upside down to show that it doesn't leak

    Promising review: "You NEED this. This product is AMAZING. When I run errands, I hate bringing both a water bottle and coffee tumbler. This product solves that issue. I ran it through my dishwasher to clean it, and the plastic didn’t morph at all. 10/10 recommend!" —Megan Huffman

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in three colors). 

    32. The Pink Stuff, a TikTok-famous cleaning product so good, you'll be tempted to part ways with every other cleaning product you own. Seriously, this amazing stuff can be used on a plethora of household items and surfaces (both indoors and outdoors).

    a reviewer's pan with a stained bottom then shiny clean
    a reviewer's rubber boots, one stained with dirt and one clean

    It shouldn't be used on plastic or acrylic surfaces, highly polished stainless steel, or hot/warm surfaces. Plus, this is vegan! 

    Promising review: "I always see people using this on TikTok, but the videos don’t even do it justice. The Pink Stuff made everything spotless. Counters, stoves, sinks, literally everything. Best cleaning product in the world and I will literally never use any other brand again." —Hailey Peters

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    33. A pair of wireless Bluetooth earbuds that are waterproof, come with multiple silicone earbuds so you can find your perfect size, and happen to be just as good as more expensive headphones on the market at a fraction of the cost (*cough AirPods cough*).

    Promising review: "I was finally sick of dealing with wires while listening to music at work, so I decided that my goal was to finally purchase wireless earbuds. These had wonderful reviews, so I decided to take the leap. I could not be happier with the earbuds. They are comfortable and stay in place. The connection is perfect, and I just wish I would have bought them sooner." —Dianna V.

    Get it from Amazon $24.99+ (available in five colors).

    34. A set of can lids for turning your cans of seltzer and soda into bottled bevs you can easily take on the go. Incredible, right?!

    A mountain dew can with a silicone bottle lid attached to the top
    Reviewer tilting the can to show the leakproof seal

    The lids are BPA-free and dishwasher-safe.

    Promising review: "I absolutely LOVE these can lids! For years I have wasted soda. In the relentless Texas heat, I would grab an ice cold soda, drink about half to either have it warm up or insects get inside of it. Then I didn't want to finish the second half of the can. If a fly landed on the top, I had to toss it in the trash. If I put the warm can back in the refrigerator, it would not be fresh and bubbly when I went back for it. Now, I don't have to worry about the bugs or the carbonation! These caps also make taking my soda with me in the car a lot more convenient. Excellent idea!" —Michelle S.

    Get a set of 6 from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in 5 color combinations and in packs of 12). 

    35. Bra extenders that'll add an extra 2 inches to your bra. If you wear a bra, you know just how rare it can be to find one that you actually adore and we want to help you preserve your faves for as long as possible. 

    Promising review: "Bought these for my pregnancy based on a tip from a recently pregnant friend. Total game-changer. Only had to buy a new sized bra once, and then used these for the rest of my pregnancy, as my cup size didn't change any more but omg my ribcage just kept on expanding and expanding to accommodate baby. IMO, these make wearing a regular bra possible during those body-changing portions of pregnancy, saving me money in the long run. Additionally, they work as expected...they clip onto the original spacers easily, they match up with the original hooks really well, and they are very comfortable and easy to use. Best money I've ever spent on Amazon. Buy them, you won't regret it." —Queen Bee

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $5.99+ (available in 20 styles).

    36. winged eyeliner stamp so you can cut down time during your makeup routine trying to nail the perfect cat-eye. Just stamp it on and go, go, gooooo!

    reviewer wearing cat-eye look created with the winged eyeliner stamp and dark blue lipstick
    reviewer holds two stamps, which each have a slightly curved end for adding a winged eye to black eyeliner

    Lovoir Beauty is a small biz based in New Zealand that sells this genius winged eyeliner stamp known as The Flick Stick.

    Promising review: "Got this before a trip I took a few days ago. I have never been able to do wing eyeliner properly so I was excited to try this. It's very pigmented and goes on beautifully! I've tried other liquid eyeliners before and they were so watery and not close to a dark black I wanted at all but this product was great. I did my makeup and put this eyeliner on at 9 a.m., traveled two hours, walked around a city for about three hours and it was warm so I was sweating, and then went to an NBA game. After all that time (about 16 hours!), the eyeliner was just as perfect as I had put it on! I love this product and can't wait to use it more often!" —Elizabeth

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $14.98 (available in three sizes).

    37. An Apple AirTag for easily keeping track of personal belongings you tend to forget where you placed or pets that are very good at hide-and-seek. It connects to the Find My app!

    Reviewer's AirTag attached to their keys
    Reviewer holding their wallet with their AirTag attached to the wallet
    Reviewer's dog with an AirTag attached to its collar

    Promising review: "We have had our vehicles stolen a couple times from our apartment building. Woke up one day to go to work, and the truck and trailer were gone. Called the cops who couldn’t do much at the time. We hopped in our family vehicle and followed where the AirTag said it was located. After about an hour, we tracked down and recovered all our stuff. We would have never found anything without these." —Kimberly Bishop

    Get a pack of four from Amazon for $86.88.

    38. plant food spike to keep your plants fed for up to two months!

    Promising review: "I am not a gardener and don't have a lot of luck with plants. That said, these spikes are amazing. You can see the difference in weeks. This is the best indoor plant product I have ever used, mainly because it is so darn easy. I definitely recommend these plant spikes." —V. Kline

    Get a set of 48 from Amazon for $4.47.

    39. An anti-soggy cereal bowl so you can finally enjoy your breakfast the right way — perfectly crunchy but not dry cereal in every bite. This is great for more than just cereal, though. Use it for soup and salad lunches, chips and dip, and anything else your heart desires!

    Reviewer's split cereal bowl with milk and cereal separated
    Reviewer's split bowl used for soup and salad

    Promising review: "This product is something I didn’t know I needed. It’s like the creator crawled into my soul and found the deepest desire of my heart and then invented it. If you think I’m being dramatic, you should try soggy cereal and then eat cereal from THIS bowl. I’ll take 30 more, please, and hand them out as gifts." —Sarah F.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three colors and in packs of two or three).

    40. robot mop because who really wants to deal with a bucket of sudsy water and an actual mop when you can have a robot you control from your phone do all the work for you?!

    The iRobot vacuum spraying a cleaner on a floor covered in muddy prints
    The iRobot vacuum lit up on its charging dock

    It's also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant devices for voice control.

    Promising review: "I was a little price-leery on this but I've just been struggling to mop as much as I need to. I have three cats and I already have a regular vacuum robot that is amazing, but the idea of a mopping robot seemed different, like it wouldn't be helpful. Then after falling behind on cleaning we finally decided to splurge and buy one and omg — it's amazing. I should have given in a long time ago. My floors are so much cleaner because of this little mop robot." —Christina H

    Get it from Amazon for $290.

    41. A Rocketbook smart notebook for making note-taking a cool, and, dare I say, fun experience? All you need to do is download the Rocketbook app for Android or iOS, and send your notes instantly to Google Docs, DropBox, iCloud, Evernote, and more. To erase, just wipe away with the included cloth!

    Reviewer's notes on pages in their reusable notebook, with pens next to the notebook
    Reviewer holding their reusable notebook with a pink cover

    You'll save money from not buying tons of different notebooks, and it'll help the environment by using a sustainable tech option instead of paper. Each notebook comes with a microfiber cloth and one black Pilot FriXion erasable pen — though these colored erasable pens also come highly recommended.

    Promising review: "I love this notebook. It was gifted to me and I immediately bought it as a gift for two other people. It is so easy to use and has every feature you need! If you're like me and prefer to handwrite your notes and want an easy way to transfer them to a digital form, this is for you. I use this for work and school. Great to use for online math homework. It has the capability to text search your handwritten notes so everything I save is easy to find. You can send PDFs to almost anything — email, Dropbox, Google Drive, text, iCloud, etc. (The app is free and very intuitive). Plus, this means I don't have to buy new notebooks anymore because I can reuse every page in my Rocketbook (of which there are more than enough to take notes through a whole class or meeting without running out of space). So, not only do I save money, I also save a TON of paper." —Madison MacLeod

    Get it from Amazon for $32+ (available in executive and letter sizes, which have 36 and 32 pages respectively, and in 16 colors).

    42. Wallet Ninja — a card-sized tool that can be used as a bottle/can opener, a phone stand, a screwdriver, a fruit peeler, and more! It's gonna have you wondering how you ever got by without it!

    the credit-card shaped tool being used as a bottle opener

    Promising review: "This is definitely helpful to have on hand! The Ninja is small and slim but punches above its weight class in terms of usefulness. The tools are all things you might find yourself searching through a drawer for and are useful in a pinch. It fits comfortably in your wallet and will help you open a beer or tighten a screw. The coolest feature that I couldn't find on most other similar products was the credit card phone stand. It is great for planes and other travel applications (I haven't had trouble bringing this on a plane anywhere I have traveled, FYI)." —Mary

    Get it from Amazon for $13.98 (also available in packs of two, three, and five).

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.