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    What I've Learned From Being A Mom Kelowna Style

    Between pressure, expectations and stress you can never win! Its mom wars 2015


    Our daughter changed our lives to say the least. After being put on extreme bed rest at 31 weeks she was born via emergency cesarean at 38 weeks on Mothers Day. Here are some things I have learned....

    1.) Breastfeeding is hard. My daughter wouldn't eat, she simply didn't want to. If left to her own choice she would have slept through the night from day one. After weeks of pumping she became a formula baby and everyone was much happier

    2.) The stress you feel isn't what you expect. After having a baby your hormones are on steroids. I used to have my husband watch her so I could stand in the shower and cry. Not sure why I was crying just know I was stressed and had to cry

    3.) Other moms will judge you like no tomorrow. You will never please them. Ever. Find a friend or two that you trust and respect and go to them.

    4.) Mom groups on facebook page are the worst! I have never in my life seen such rude and insensitive comments. Unless you are posting about not knowing who your childs father is you will be attacked. For example I post that I was annoyed that I have to boil to sanitize instead of my microwave because my sanitize doesn't fit in our new one. I get attacked left, right and center that I'm still doing it! WTF

    5.) If you lose the weight to fast you care too much about your looks, if you don't lose it fast enough your lazy

    6.) Babies are a lot of work but not in the way you think. Before I could go out in 5 mins. Now I have to make sure the diaper bag is packed, there are bottles in there, snacks, cloth diapers, a wet bag, and toys. Then I have to carry that, the baby and my purse to my truck. When people said babies are a lot of work, I figured they meant the feeding and the work is everything that was easy is now impossible

    7.) You're friends and family won't get it and a lot will disappear from your lives.

    Our daughter is the best thing that has happened to us and I wouldn't change a thing