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    You Know You're A High School Teenage Girl When...

    The 10 facts every high school aged girl goes through in her four year experience. Lets face it guys, we have it MUCH harder.

    1. You leave for school at your prime and then get successively uglier throughout the day.

    2. You completely ruin your underwear by getting your period, don't notice until the end of the day, and then sit on the toilet desperately texting every friend in your contacts: "do you have a tampon!?" in the middle of a physics test.

    3. You are wearing a tank top and a sweater and you walk into a sweltering hot room, only to realize you haven't shaved your armpits in weeks and are forced to keep the sweater on and sweat through the entire class.

    4. You get all the way to school and realize you forgot to put deodorant on.

    5. You, on the regs, use your period as an excuse to sit out of gym.

    6. You decide to wear a beanie to school and then are forced to keep it on or expose the inevitable hat-hair that sticks to your scalp.

    7. You wear high waisted pants and spend the whole day regretting it after eating such a large lunch.

    8. There is no soap nor paper towels in the girls bathroom.

    9. You decide to wear no makeup to school and then get one glimpse of yourself in the mirror and question why you ever thought that was a good idea.

    10. You spend the majority of your day planning how you can get away with doing the least amount of work.