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    Twelve Feelings Only People Who Get To The Airport Early Will Understand

    No one likes to miss a flight, but some of us go above and beyond to make sure we don't have to wait less than three hours at the airport.

    1. When you arrive before you're allowed to check bags for your flight.

    2. When you arrive so early for a morning flight that security isn't even open yet.

    3. When you refuse to take a train to the airport in case it gets stuck.

    4. When you can't find a seat at the gate because it's full of people taking the flight before you out of the same gate.

    5. When the security line is outrageously long but you don't even have to panic.

    6. When you can eat a full, five-course meal at the airport restaurant.

    7. When you secretly laugh at the guy who is trying to go ahead of everyone in the security line because his flight leaves in ten minutes.

    8. When you finish all the work/reading you thought you would finish on the plane, and then worry that now you'll have nothing to do during your flight.

    9. When flight delays are even worse for you than for they are for everyone else because you've already been waiting for hours.

    10. When you can't believe that your friends only get to the airport half hour before boarding.

    11. When people you've just met find out how early you leave for the airport.

    12. When you write posts like these in an airport because what else are you going to do?