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17 Simple Tips For Eating Healthier Without Changing Your Whole Damn Life

In case saying goodbye to a bunch of food groups all at once sounds sad and unsustainable.

The Whole30 program is an elimination diet that calls for avoiding grains, legumes, dairy, added sugar, and alcohol for 30 days.

It also bans MSG, sulfites, and carrageenan, additives commonly found in processed foods. Participants are also discouraged from trying to re-create baked foods using Whole30-approved ingredients (so, like, no Paleo muffins, for example). And they're also told not to weigh themselves for the duration of the diet. The idea is to "focus on making good food choices" for a month.

The thing is, eliminating several food groups from your diet can be pretty daunting, even for just a month. And as BuzzFeed Health has reported, following restrictive diets can actually lead to bingeing down the road. (Not to mention that it can take a toll on your social life and enjoyment of food.)

So we reached out to health and nutrition experts to ask them how to make impactful changes to your diet in a sustainable way, so you can practice a healthier, non-elimination-based approach to eating. Here's what they said!

1. For one meal a day, make your plate 1/2 vegetables, 1/4 protein, and 1/4 whole grains.

2. Instead of subtracting from your diet, add to it.

3. Swap out some processed grains for some whole grains.

4. Eat more legumes (e.g., lentils, split peas, black beans, pinto beans, soybeans, etc.).

5. Start your day with a green smoothie.

6. Stop not treating yourself.

7. Eat more fat. And say goodbye to low-fat and fat-free products.

8. Add one piece of fruit and one vegetable to each meal.

9. Learn how to make vegetables taste a lot better.

10. Be flexible about your diet; it should change depending on your mood, cravings, and environment.

11. Keep a food log for one week.

12. Add more lean protein to your life (and daily routine).

13. Trust that the ups and downs of trying to be healthier will result in balance.

14. Add probiotic-rich foods (sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, yogurt) to your meals.

15. Learn how to eat according to your hunger, not according to external food rules.

16. Eat more fiber.

17. Consciously uncouple from self-criticism. And really try to practice self-compassion.