Here's How To Work Out Less And Actually See Results

    Slow and steady wins the gains.

    Everyone knows that to get fitter you have to do more work — lift heavier weights, do more squats, run farther distances. Duh.

    Exercise is stress on the body — albeit a good one — and if your body is stressed all the time and never gets a chance to recover, it won't get stronger. It'll break down.

    Here's what smart training looks like:

    1. Your workout shouldn't get in the way of future workouts.

    2. But, OK, you don't want to go tooo easy on yourself.

    3. Most of your workouts should be done at a comfortably hard intensity — like a 6 out of 10.

    4. High-intensity workouts should be short and sweet.

    5. Take a day off between high-intensity workouts.

    6. Your workouts should make you feel energized, not exhausted.

    7. You should never be going so hard that you get sloppy.

    8. Actually pay attention to your progress. Are you getting stronger or faster?

    9. But try not to have a “huge gains or bust” mentality.

    Go get those gains (slowly and steadily)!