People Are Sharing The Things They Remembered As Kids That Today's Kids Would Not Understand, And Wow, Talk About TBT

    So glad we don't have to print out maps before a road trip anymore!

    Do you ever think about what life must have been like before all the advanced technology we have today? Sure, you can read about it, but it's totally different from living it.

    And when redditor u/vaxowa8021 asked, "Without revealing your age, what's something you remember that if you told a child today, they would not understand?" people jumped at the chance to describe what life was like "back in the day."

    So here are just a few of the struggles that older generations had to face that kids today will absolutely never understand.

    1. "We had to use [physical] maps to travel and plan out trips before sitting in the car."

    2. "Going to rent a video at the store."

    3. "You had to wait by the radio all day for your favorite song to come on so you could record it on a cassette tape, only to have it be ruined because the DJ talked over the last 10 seconds of it."

    4. "I had to stand against the wall to use the phone."

    A red telephone on a white wall

    5. "You had to put the TV on Channel 3 to play video games."

    Old antique monochrome television in vintage living room

    6. "When the tape cassette would get tangled up."

    Hands holding damaged audio tape

    7. "You'd go to see a movie in the theater, and that was it. There was no getting a DVD or even a VHS six months later.

    VHS videocassette is put into the video recorder to watch the video, another video cassette is on the video-tape recorder

    8. "You weren't able to use the phone and the internet at the same time."

    computers in classroom and a green phone on the wall

    9. "If you were on a date you arranged, there was no way of knowing if they'd show up or if something had come up.

    Young man waiting in restaurant

    10. "If you took a picture of yourself or someone else, it was either a Polaroid (and there was only one copy) or you had to get it processed somehow by a professional.

    Close-up of polaroid camera and empty prints

    11. "The telephones were corded, with rotary dials, and in phone booths."

    12. "The sound that modems made when connecting."

    View this video on YouTube

    willterminus/ YouTube / Via

    13. "Having to wrap aluminum foil around the TV's rabbit ears and play Twister to get reception on the channel you wanted to watch."

    Indoor television antenna with aluminum foil wrapped on it

    14. “We had dials on TVs to change the channel, then a dial…to tune it in better.”

    Close-up of dials and controls on a vintage TV

    15. "The car windows were rolled up with a handle instead of a button."

    Hand crank, non-electric, manual car window in a dove grey color an old vehicle

    16. "Only having a black-and-white TV, with just a few channels to watch."

    An old TV with a monochrome kinescope on wooden table

    17. "Taking turns with my friend to call each other on the home line phone so our parents didn’t yell at us.

    Daughter being told off by her mother

    18. And finally, "Back in my day, we blew into our video games to get them to work."

    Nintendo Classic Mini 'Nintendo Entertainment System' video game console first generation seen with a pile of Famicom games cartridges

    Are there things that you remember from your childhood that kids today will never understand that didn't make this list? If so, feel free to drop it in the comments below!

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.