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    19 Great Deals On Products That'll Help You Make Your Room Noise-Free

    We all need a quiet space in our homes.

    1. A pack of 100 sound-dampening bumpers to prevent the loud sounds of slamming doors and banging cabinets when you're finally getting into that work flow. Bumping this up to the top of my shopping cart - ₹329 (MRP: ₹599)

    2. And this set of 100 noise-insulation pads for your furniture that'll eliminate dragging noises and floor scrapes equally well - ₹199 (MRP: ₹499)

    3. This noise-free Aeroquiet ceiling fan with an aerodynamic design that ensures efficient operation without that annoying fan noise that can take over your life - ₹4,861 (MRP: ₹5,280)

    4. This highly-rated pair of active noise-cancelling earphones that comes with a mic, making it perfect for work time - ₹2,990 (MRP: ₹4,490)

    5. This set of heat-resistant silicone utensils that'll reduce the noise coming out of your kitchen to the bare minimum - ₹1,399 (MRP: ₹2,999)

    6. And this set of silicone tablemats so that the sound of pots or plates clanging on surfaces doesn't ever disturb you - ₹450 (MRP: ₹999)

    7. While you're at it, get this sleek waterproof desk pad that'll double as a mouse pad and a soundproofing coaster to protect your desk or table from scratches and coffee cup rings - ₹1,199 (MRP: ₹2,799)

    8. This pan and bakeware rack organiser that'll make the ear-deafening avalanche of pots, pans, and lids a thing of the past in your life - ₹1,099 (MRP: ₹2,490)

    9. This white noise machine that'll provide the white noise and 10 non-looping soothing sounds you need to zone out all the riff-raff around you – ₹3,679 (MRP: ₹5,260)

    10. This pack of 15 corded foam earplugs for when nothing else will do the trick. These mold to your unique ear shape so there's no concern about if they'll fit or fall out – ₹239 (MRP: ₹255)

    11. Or you can go for these silicone ear plugs that are highly durable and perfect even for travel (when you can finally travel again) – ₹690 (MRP: ₹950)

    12. This foldable bed table because, sometimes, the only noise-free place in your house is your own bed - ₹854 (MRP: ₹1,499)

    13. These gamechanging blackout and sound-dampening curtains that'll protect your work cocoon from the outside world - ₹985 (MRP: ₹1,798)

    14. This door and window draft guard that prevents any outside noises from entering your space – ₹299 (MRP: ₹599)

    15. You can also buy 18-feet of this self-adhesive soundproofing strip that can be attached easily to any doors or windows - ₹445 (MRP: ₹995)

    16. This monthly planner that you can easily stick on any wall in the house to keep everyone you live with mindful of when not to disturb you and, as a bonus, keep you more organised - ₹499 (MRP: ₹1,199)

    17. This handy door knob sign that'll make everyone you live with take pause before barging in like they always do - ₹229 (MRP: ₹699)

    18. A can of WD-40 maintenance spray that'll eliminate all those unholy squeaks from your home - ₹340 (MRP: ₹350)

    19. And this pair of "sleep headphones" that'll aid those afternoon power naps that we all need some days - ₹1,399 (MRP: ₹2,999)