Best Friends Swapped Boyfriends For A Day And Did Everything Together Except Sex Stuff

    In the wise words of the Spice Girls, "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends."

    Everyone wants their BFF to get along with their S.O. But, do you think your best friend and significant other would get along well enough to spend a WHOLE. DAMN. DAY together? Well, Safiya and Freddie decided to swap boyfriends for a day and find out.

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    Saf and Freddie have been pretty ~inseperable~ work wifes and BFFs for a while.

    But outside their work love, they also have some ~romantic~ love. Freddie is dating her boyfriend, Paul, and Saf is dating her boyfriend, Tyler.

    So, Safiya decided what better way to put all the relationships in her life to the test than by switching boyfriends with her best friend! And while Freddie was skeptical, she was excited to get to know Tyler better.

    And Tyler and Paul the two (semi) willing participants? Well, they were kinda wishing the two of them could just kick it instead.

    The day would consist of each person picking an activity for them to do and spending the rest of the day together. Saf was clearly super excited for the day ahead!

    So amped!!!!

    Safiya took Paul to the mall. But before they hit up the alternate universe that is Sephora, they got Paul an air freshener, per Freddie's request.

    And after hanging in Sephora, Paul was a tad overwhelmed.

    Meanwhile, while picking up cat medicine for Tyler and Saf's cat "Crusty," Freddie stumbled upon a pet adoption event.

    And when Safiya told Paul that Freddie was thinking about adopting a cat... well, he was surprised.

    To further instill Freddie's feline love, she assisted Tyler in giving good ol' Crusty his meds.

    Meanwhile, Paul and Saf were kicking it in the skate shop. And by "kicking it," I mean Safiya stood on a stationary skateboard for a little bit.

    For the other pair, Freddie was giving Tyler a style upgrade and brought him thrifting.

    Overall, the day was pretty fun. The two pairs got along, and even got a little bit closer. And if the day taught everyone anything it was that Freddie needs to adopt a dang cat.