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37 Writers Share The Books That Saved Their Lives

“We live for books.” ― Umberto Eco

We asked writers at the annual AWP conference what book saved their life. Here are their answers.

1. Douglas Brown

2. Kazim Ali

3. Emily Pan

4. Nicholas Adamski

5. Elena Bermudez

6. Randall Mann

7. John Myers

8. Selena Anderson

9. Rebecca Rubenstein

10. Aruni Kashyap

11. Nevan Scott

12. Gary Jackson

13. Allyson Paty

14. Rigoberto Gonzalez

15. Jordan Bass


17. Justin Taylor

18. Jacqueline Jones LaMon

19. Jeremy Schmall

20. Tina Hoggatt

21. Marcelo Hernandez



24. Oscar Villalon


26. John Gallaher


28. Sarah B. Burghauser

29. Rachel Riederer

30. Lisa Lucas

31. Colin Winnette

32. Emily Walker

33. Mike Lala

34. Aaron Samuels


36. Miguel Murphy

37. Ian Carlos Crawford

What book saved your life?