
Sabi F.

Please forgive me if I wax philosophical for a minute, but it's my profile, and I'll do what I damn well please with it. I would consider it a pointless conceit to try to summarize myself with silly limiting labels. Some people would write me off as a geek for my love of anime, RPGs, and fantasy. Some would pigeon-hole me as a liberal for my political views. I've been called, at times in my life, an alcoholic and a stoner in both complimentary and insulting ways. Some know me as an avid, no-nonsense discussion and debate partner and to others, I'm a nonsensical amateur comedian. Some notice my laziness, others recognize that I'm usually willing to pitch in a helping hand. All of these depictions are true from some perspective, but none of them feels accurate enough to begin to be a summary of the magnificent and horrible person that I am. In short, I don't know who I am, and I only care so far as it keeps me from being a total dick. What I do know is what I'm going to do next.

Sep 2009
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