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    The Secret Behind Dry Brushing important is it really?

    Brushing More Than Just Your Teeth and Hair

    You've probably heard about it or maybe you've read about it, and you might be thinking you should try it. But what is it really? And why should you do it anyway? Dry brushing is an ancient process of brushing the skin with a natural brush to improve circulation and get rid of toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system. It helps exfoliate the skin, clean out pores, and increase blood flow. Our friends at Goop have the low down on the upside of dry brushing and how to get started, from choosing the right brush to the best technique, to whether you should use an oil. With summer around the corner and your sights set on softer skin, this may be just the right time to try it and add dry brushing to your home spa routine.

    Provides Lymphatic Support: As a large part of the body's immune system, dry brushing can stimulate the lymph vessels just below the skin, increasing the flow and helping the body to naturally detoxify.

    Cleans Pores: It removes dead skin, oil, and dirt.

    Increases Energy and Blood Flow: Way better than a RedBull. The process has been described as both meditative and invigorating. By reducing muscle tension, calming your mind, and relieving stress, you are bound to leave feeling refreshed and relaxed--ready to face the day.

    Aids with Exfoliation: Who doesn't want softer skin?