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Show Us Your Worst Prom Fail

"Someone's bracelet got caught in my hair. When she pulled, my extensions came out."

It's that time of year again — yup, PROM SEASON.

And there are bound to be fails:

@jimmyfallon When I put on my dress the night of prom I realized the store didn't take off the security tag everybody thought I stole the dress #promfail https://t.co/aNsyovSX8X

Whether it's before prom...

...during prom...

...or after prom...

We want to know see/hear about your prom fails!

We've all been there, so tell us about your worst/funniest prom fail via the DropBox below. (Bonus points if you have pictures!)

The best responses will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post or video!