Pink Was Asked To Describe Christina Aguilera In One Word And Her Answer Has Me A Lil' Confused


    On Tuesday, it was announced that Pink is Cosmopolitan's January cover star.

    She answered a bunch of questions, like who she admires, and what people get wrong about her:

    She was also asked to describe Christina Aguilera in one word.

    Here's what she said:

    As you know, Pink and Christina have feuded and since made up. But apparently the feud was so bad that Xtina tried to punch Pink in a club once.

    This leaves me with a bunch of questions about Pink's "forgiven" response. Like:

    -Was Christina the one who forgave Pink?

    -Was Pink the one who forgave Christina?

    -If Christina tried to punch Pink, what did Pink do to warrant that?

    -And if Pink was the one who forgave Christina, what did Christina do? Because we know it can't be just that she walked in without saying hi and expected to sing the best parts in "Lady Marmalade."

    -If the feud is really over, why not just use a different word???

    -Were they both shitty to each other?

    -Is "Forgiven" the name of the secret duet????

    One thing I do know is that I might be too invested. Anyway, Pink, I need you to explain the feud in full in any interview you do next. Thanks!