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People Are Sharing Ways To Make Your Home Look Rich For Cheap, And I Love The Insight

STOP with the pointless decorative balls.

Recently, Reddit user u/5ixsigma asked, "What are cheap ways to make your house look expensive?" People came through with some useful tips to not only make your house/apartment look great for cheap, but also how to avoid making your place look cheap with cringe-worthy decor.

A modern-looking kitchen.

1. "Mass-produced, generic, stock photo-y pictures make your home look cheap. If it looks like it's something you'd see in a doctor's waiting room from the '90s, replace it."


In fact:

2. "Get abstract/artistic-looking paintings on the wall that aren't mass-produced. They will make your place look expensive."


A father playing with his kids on the couch.

3. "Clean it. Declutter. It makes a huge difference. A house can look old or have vintage charm, just based on how clean and well-kept it is."


4. "Lighting is everything. Good lighting can showcase the best parts of a home and give it a sleek, clean look."


5. "Instead of buying an expensive couch from a furniture company, or even Ikea, consider making one yourself from pallets you stole from the back of a Walmart or Costco. Add some cushions and pillows, and you're golden. If it's not mass produced, it must be custom-made, and custom furniture is expensive as fuck. Reclaimed furniture is a huge one if you're still furnishing your swanky abode."


6. "If you have a coffee table, always put a nice hardcover book on it."


A coffee table with books and candles on it.

7. "Get rid of those super generic baskets of 'ball' that a lot of home good stores sell. It's just so fucking generic and hollow and doesn't portray the personality of any home owner at all. It is such a random thing for a person to 'decorate' their home and strikes me as being super uninteresting as a person."


A glass bowl filled with wicker balls.

8. "Get some floodlights lighting up the exterior of the house. You only need to turn them on when the people you're trying to impress are watching!"


9. "Power wash and pressure wash everything. Stains, dirt, grime, etc. — all gone."


10. "Take all of your pasta, cereal, milk, juice, etc. and put them in their own glass containers. Rich people can afford aesthetically compliant containers for their food."


11. "Hide dishwashing detergent and sponge from your kitchen sink, and keep all your bathroom regimen items inside a medicine cabinet. In fact, hide anything that doesn't have its own container from your home. The goal is to make your house look like a model home that no one practically/realistically lives in."


A sink with running water, dishwashing detergent, and clean dishes on a rack.

12. "Paint is the cheapest way to drastically change the look of any room. Get creative; use painters tape to make your own designs. Also, for wall art, try framing scrap book paper you like. Oftentimes, you can find neat designs in just about every color imaginable for less than a dollar a page. Another idea for accessories is to find some interesting-looking books from a used bookstore or garage sale. One thing I would not skimp on is furniture, since you want that to last a while."


13. "The corny phrases everywhere — they make your place look cheap."


14. Overstuffed furniture. This has been a bad offender since the '80s. Just furniture that just got bigger and bigger. Living rooms turned into a room full of bed/chairs where you could lay around for hours before actually going to bed."


15. "Get rid of the Paris decor. Particularly canvas prints of the Eiffel Tower with French script superimposed over it. It's overdone, and thus, now looks cheap."


Do you agree with these tips, tricks, and do's and don'ts? Let me know in the comments below!